𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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—— " winter is coming " ——༺ ♔ ༻

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—— " winter is coming " ——
༺ ♔ ༻

——— WINTERFELL WAS THE HOME OF the stronghold of House Stark, the Great House of the North. It was always so bitterly cold, the good people of Winterfell had grown accustomed to wearing heavy fur coats to keep them warm.

The ladies of Winterfell had always worn long, warm dresses to keep them warm from the harsh weather, but for the majority of the time, they stayed inside by the fireplace to keep warm. The men and boys only ever were outside, practicing their fighting skills, such as archery and sword fighting.

Rosaline Stark didn't particularly mind to stay inside, especially on cold days like this day. She loved to read the books she's slowly collected over the years, but another hobby she'd picked up was archery.

Her mother did not like that she loved archery, especially since Rosaline's older half-brother taught her the skill. But Catelyn Stark would much prefer her daughter to take up more feminine skills.

Such as embroidery, dancing, flower arranging, painting, helping her younger siblings. As the eldest daughter of House Stark, Catelyn thought it most important to prepare her daughter for the life of a mother and wife. Especially since Rosaline was more than eligible for marriage being fifteen years old.

Rosaline understood her mother's wishes for herself, and did not mind being taught all the things she must. She just felt... there could be more for her.

Only being two years older than her sister, Sansa, the beautiful redhead girl had looked up to Rosaline, copying everything she did. Her posture, her elegance, her kindness, the preparation of what role they'd eventually hold to their husband and children.

Rosaline thought the girl was far too young to worry about such things, especially since she still had yet to bleed. Though at the same time, Rosaline thought it was such a compliment that Sansa wanted to be just like her.

Then there was Arya, Rosaline and Sansa's 11-year-old younger sister, who was absolutely the utter opposite. She was forced inside just like Rosaline, but unlike her older sister, Arya would much rather be outside with her brothers. A trait she unknowingly shared with Rosaline.

The eldest Stark daughter didn't mind doing either. She only wanted both her sisters to feel appreciated.

On this day, Rosaline sat with her sisters in the main keep, along with their primary governess, Septa Mordane. She was giving a sewing lesson to the girls of the castle, a lesson Rosaline only attended because Sansa wanted her to. A lesson Arya only attended because her mother forced her too.

As Mordane inspected Rosaline and Sansa's embroidery, little Arya was distracted with what their brothers were doing outside in the courtyard. At least distracted by their laughter in the distance.

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