Three Hearts,One Love

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Babe had always been observant, especially when it came to Way. He noticed the small things - the way Way's eyes sparkled when he talked about racing, the way his laughter filled the garage, the way his face fell when he thought no one was looking.

One day, Babe noticed Way looking particularly drained. His usual energy was missing, replaced by a tiredness that seemed to seep into his bones.

"Way, are you okay?" Babe asked, concern lacing his voice.

Way looked up, surprised. "I'm fine, Babe. Just a little tired."

Babe wasn't convinced. He knew Way was hiding something, but he didn't push. Instead, he made sure Way was eating properly and getting enough rest. He even took over some of Way's duties at the garage, giving him time to recover.

Then, Pete came into the picture. Babe didn't know much about him, only that he was a CEO sponsoring X Hunter. But what bothered Babe was the way Way's eyes followed Pete, the way Way's laughter seemed brighter, his smiles wider.

One day, Babe walked into the garage to find Way and Pete deep in conversation. A pang of jealousy shot through him. He had never seen Way so engrossed in a conversation that wasn't about racing.

"Babe, you're early," Way said, noticing him.

Babe grunted in response, his eyes never leaving Pete. He didn't miss the way Pete's hand lingered on Way's arm, or the way Way didn't pull away.

In the following days, Babe found himself watching Way more closely. He noticed the way Way's eyes followed Pete, the way his face lit up when Pete complimented him. It stirred a feeling in Babe that he couldn't quite place.

One day, Babe found Way sitting alone in the garage, a sad look on his face. "What's wrong, Way?" Babe asked, sitting next to him.

Way looked up, surprised. "Nothing, Babe. I'm just... thinking."

Babe didn't push. He simply sat there, offering his silent support. He realized then that he cared for Way, more than he had ever admitted. He might not love Way the way he loved Charlie, but Way was important to him. And he was determined to show Way that.

Babe's realization about his feelings for Way was a slow, creeping awareness that settled in his heart. He found himself watching Way more often, his eyes lingering on Way's smile, his laughter, his sadness.

Telling Charlie was the hardest part. "I think... I think I have feelings for Way," Babe confessed one day, his voice barely above a whisper.

Charlie looked at him, surprise flickering in his eyes. But then he smiled, a soft, understanding smile. "I've noticed," he said. "You've been different around him."

Babe was taken aback. "You're not mad?"

Charlie shook his head. "I love you, Babe. And I want you to be happy. If Way makes you happy, then I'm okay with it."

"But I don't want to leave you, Charlie," Babe said, his voice filled with worry.

Charlie reached out, taking Babe's hand in his. "And you don't have to. We can figure this out, together."

Charlie had always been fond of Way. He admired his passion for racing, his unwavering loyalty to Babe, and his resilience in the face of unrequited love. He saw in Way a kindred spirit, someone who loved Babe as deeply as he did.

With Charlie's blessing, Babe decided to approach Way. But it wasn't easy. Way was cautious, his heart guarded after years of unrequited love and hurt.

"Babe, I... I can't," Way said when Babe confessed his feelings. "I can't be your second choice."

Babe was taken aback. He hadn't realized how much he had hurt Way over the years. "Way, I..."

But Way shook his head. "I need time, Babe. Time to heal, time to... to figure things out."

Babe nodded, understanding. He knew he had a long road ahead. He had to prove to Way that his feelings were genuine, that he wasn't just a second choice. And Babe was ready to do whatever it took to make Way believe in him again.

In the following weeks, Babe made an effort to show Way his sincerity. He spent more time with him, listened to him, and most importantly, he showed Way that he cared. It was a slow process, but Babe was patient. He knew that Way needed time to heal, and he was willing to give him that.

Charlie watched from the sidelines, offering his support to both Babe and Way. He saw the way Babe's eyes softened when he looked at Way, the way Way's face lit up when Babe was around. And he knew then that they were on the right path.

Eventually, Way began to open up. He started to let Babe in, little by little. And with each passing day, Babe found himself falling more and more for Way.

In the end, it was Way who approached Charlie. "I... I think I'm ready," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Charlie smiled, reaching out to take Way's hand. "We've been waiting for you, Way."

And so, they began their journey together - Babe, Way, and Charlie. It wasn't always easy, but they were willing to work through the challenges. Because they knew that they were stronger together, and that their love for each other was worth fighting for.

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