Brianna's pov.

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I despise my sister Lilly. Shes done everything possible to try and make my life a living hell. Whether that be taking my boyfriend, ripping my clothes or taking pictures of me in a bra and posting it online.
She only cares about herself when it comes to love. If i have a boyfriends she even finds attractive slightly she makes up lies and steals him. I genuinely cant wait till i move out of this house hold. No one in this house even cares about me slightly. My mom thinks im a disappointing, selfish slut. And my father is dead. He died when i was 7, from a car crash. I still miss him but my mom moved on to another man, terry a week after he passed. Terry's abusive and a drunk. He's only hit Lilly once, but me more than 8 times. I have various bruises on my legs from him.

The only place i feel safe anymore is at work. I work at a cafe. Its not busy all that often but we get enough customers a week so i can feed myself. Abby, the owner is a sweet old lady. I tell her everything.
She normally invites me over to her house so i don't have to go home.
Shes more of a mother than my own. She has a dog rosey. Shes a pitbull. Shes the sweetest dog on earth.
I had a childhood dog named moxy, but my mom let her run away. She hated whenever i was happy. She made sure i wasn't, most of the time it worked.
I don't have very man friends to hang out with. I only have jordan and Vivian. Vivian is a party type of girl and im not so i don't hangout with her often. Jordan has a family to take care of. He's 2 years older than am and has a wife.
Im saving up for a house of my own to get away from Lilly and my bitch of a mother.

The sun shines in through the cracked open window. Shit. I was late for work. I got out of bed and put on my work uniform. I slipped on my jordans and grabbed my keys and phone. I checked my phone before leaving through the door. I had a message from Vivian.

Viv: there's a party tonight. Its at jordans old house. If your free around 7 ill pick you up. Just lmk.

I sighed mainly because i didn't know if id be off work that early. Id Answer her later.  I left through the back door making sure i didnt make much noise.
I drove through widow lane and to Alexandra street. I pulled into the drive way of Taffe coffee, and grabbed my stuff and headed in. Abby was setting up the counter.
She looks up fron the counter and notices me at the doorway and instantly smiles. "Hi sweetheart. How did you sleep?" She looks back down at the counter. "Good i suppose." I say while walking to the front counter. "Like every other night. Screaming and glass breaking." I chuckle under my breathe.
"I cant wait till you get a house of your own, you truly deserve one."
She puts the rag down and walks into the back.
Shes right, i do deserve it. I've been  working my ass off and still getting yelled at, at home. I should have enough soon. I began setting my coat down when my phone went off.
Its another message from Viv.

Viv: so? You gonna go?
Me: ill see if im free
Viv:okay good. Lmk.

I set down my phone and walked into the back to be meet with abby grabbing the open sign. "Hey ab? Do you think id be able to get off a little early tonight? My friend wants me to go to a party with her tonight around 7." She looks up at me. She smiles softly. "Ofcourse dear, you need a break anyway." I smile at her kindness. I reach out my hand in gesture for her to hand me the sign. She does. I walk out to the front of the door and place the open sign on the door.

Serving the last customer, they walk out with their bag of doughnuts.
I swing the rag over my shoulder.
Abby walks out of the kitchen and smiles.
"You may leave now hunny. Ill clean up." I look at her confused. "Are you sure?" She nods and takes the rag off of my shoulder and unclips my apron. I giggle and walk to the coat rack, and i grab my pink fluffy coat and swing it on. I wave to abby before leaving. Driving home i get a message from lilly saying she broke my favorite necklace. Shes snooping in my room again. That necklace was one dad gave me.

I walk inside and the house was quiet. Surprised i walked into my room and closed the door softly. I sat on the bed and texted viv

Me: im gonna go. Ill get ready rn?

A couple minutes went by.

Viv: OMG yay! Yes lmk when your done and ill come get ya.

I sat my phone down and started digging in my closet for a dress. I eventually found a black sparkly dress. I slipped it on and did my makeup to match.

I sat in front of the mirror for a while before i texted viv i was ready. I walked outside quietly and me and viv drove to the party.

"Are you excited? I know i am!" She said her voice high ful of excitement.
I nodded.
We pulled into the drive way of a big white house. Some rooms lite. She gets out and i mimic her. We both walk in. I can feel my hands sweet, and my heart starts pounding faster as i saw the big group of people all with red cups in their hands. I was so nervous i felt like i could puke. Vivian pulls me to a somewhat empty room. She sits me down on a couch.
"Hey. Calm down, its gonna be okay. I know you don't like big groups, but ill be right here with you." She tilts my head so i look at her. I swallow.

She stares into my eyes before someone calls her name from the other room. Her face lights up with excitement before she runs to the other room. Just like that i was alone again. I felt like the room was spinning around me and that i could get sucked into a black hole any minute. I put my hands over my face in a attempt to calm me down.
I felt a force next to me.
"You good?" A low voice spoke next to me. Frightened i looked up. A man with beautiful curly black hair sat next to me. He smiles softly. His smile was so comforting. I smile back instantly and rub my face.
"Yeah im fine. Just don't like big groups." I giggle and set my hand down on my thigh. He places his hand over mine.

"Same." He chuckles. His laugh is smooth and low. He takes his hand away. "I saw what your friend did. Kinda shitty." I look at him. "Yeah i know. She always does shit like that. To be honest i only came here to get away from my family." I look forward before meeting his eyes again. "My families always loud at night. Always yelling." He frowns.

He nods slowly. "Mine too. That's why i moved out and got my own place."
"Im trying. I have a job at the moment, but i don't make as much as id want to." I pull my hair befind my ear.
"Where do you work?" He pokes my thigh. His touch sends shivers down my spine. Its not a hurtful touch like im used to.
"Taffe coffee. On Alexandra street."
He stares at me. He continues to nod. I stare into his eyes. They are a soft blue. I could get lost in them.
Vivian runs in and slows down when she sees him next to me. She smiles at me. I smile back.

"Sorry i left, but who's this handsome man?" She says teasingly. She punches my shoulder softly.

"Im Zander rev." I smile at him. He smirks back.
He stands up gently. He turns at me and viv. "Well ima get going. Nice meeting you too. Brianna and Vivian." I look at him shocked. He giggles and walks up the stairs.
Vivian laughs and leans against me.
"Bri im so stupid!" She laughs and i laugh back confused.
"He's the house owner!" She breathes in sharply and leans against me more, rubbing my other shoulder gently.
"Oh!" I laugh.
She pokes me and smiles. "Briannaa! I think he likes you!~" she teases.
I smile. "No he does not!" I look at her. She has a offensive look on her face. "Girl! He was totally interested in you girl.

Vivian drives me home while listening to the radio singing together. I surprisingly had a good time. When home i silently tip toe in. Closing my door behind me.
I couldn't stop thinking about zander and what viv said. He was so perfect. The way his smile was so bright. The way his hair curled perfectly over some parts of his face. The way the freckle on his check moved when he smiled.
The way he sat with his legs slightly opened. His touch. I stripped off my dress and slipped on a pair of comfy shorts. And slipped into bed.
Worked up from the vision of the man and what he could do to me i slipped my hand into the shorts and under my panties. I leaned my head back and breathed heavy from the pleasure between my legs.

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