You could hear her munching on the chips while you tried to understand your emotions. You sighed as you tried to push them aside to focus on what they were talking about before.

"So when will you be in New York?" You asked trying to steer the conversation away from Natasha and her wife. You had a hard time wrapping your head around Natasha being married to a woman.

"I'm already here, staying at Nat's house. You could come here until it's time to move into your dorm. I can ask Nat, hold on."

Your plan in avoiding conversation about Natasha failed and before you had the chance to stop her, you could hear Yelena call out loudly for Natasha.

You heard her raspy voice in the background, which made your heart rate to spike and your hands suddenly felt clammy.

"Little Ducky, coming to the big apple, you say?" You heard Natasha say calmly, though it sounded like she was smiling.

"Yeah, she got accepted to Columbia, I told you she would."

You blushed at Yelena's words.

"Your little duckling is coming here?" A gentle, unfamiliar woman's voice echoed through the phone, causing you to hold your breath.

"Ever heard of privacy?" Yelena's words were icy, and you held your breath.

"Don't speak to her that way, Yelena." You could hear the frustration in Natasha's voice through the phone.

"Whatever," Yelena said sourly. "Yes she is coming to New York," Yelena replied, her annoyance directed at Natasha's wife.

"We will make sure the guest room is ready," Natasha said. "Hey, Ducky, looking forward to seeing you soon," her raspy voice was close enough that you could hear her clearly now.

"Hey, Nat, yeah, looking forward to seeing you too," you replied quietly, relieved that you weren't stuttering despite your nerves.

"So when can you come here?" Yelena asked you, with Natasha's chuckle audible in the background.

You sighed as you looked around your room. "I can't, Lena. I have work over the summer. I would have loved to come hang out with you, of course, but I need the money," you explained carefully, closing your eyes as you tried to swallow your disappointment. Spending time with Yelena and Natasha would have been your dream.

"Damn, ugh, can't you just skip work," Yelena huffed as she moved around.

"Not everyone comes from money," you shot back in a sourly tone.

"Sorry, Ducky, you know I didn't mean it like that. I just miss you, okay," Yelena said with a sigh.

"I know, but soon we will be together again. I miss you too, you know," you admitted sadly while looking at the worn purple dragon on your nightstand.

"Okay, call me again soon, nerd. I need to get ready for a date," Yelena said smugly. You loved how Yelena had the skill to change the conversation so smoothly, making you laugh when you were sad just a few seconds earlier.

"Okay, go get them, tiger," you answered playfully while rolling your eyes at the cheesiness of the phrase. The idea of dating still made you cringe, and while Yelena had developed an interest in boys around the age of 12, you were patiently waiting for that part of yourself to awaken.

You kept in touch more that summer than before, but it still felt like the slowest summer of your life. Each day seemed to drag on, and each day was as boring as the next. When you weren't working, you read as many articles and books as you could to prepare. Finally, the time came for you to move. Your father drove you down to New York and helped you get settled into your room. It wasn't glamorous or good in any sense of the word. But no one knew you here, and you could be whoever you wanted, and it felt like a fresh start. Your roommate hadn't arrived yet, and your dad didn't linger, but he wished you luck with an awkward pat on your back before closing the door. You looked around your new home, taking it in—the two beds and the window facing a brick wall. It was ugly, but you loved it.

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