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Plagg:"So your the girl I'm supposed to be married to soon". Tikki plays around with her hair and she blushes. Tikki:"Yeah I am". Plagg;"You're very beautiful".:Tikki:"You really think I am". Plagg:"You're the most beautiful girl I've met you're fit to be my Queen". Tikki:"Thank you she blushes". Plagg:"You're welcome my Queen". He kisses her hand in a polite and we'll mannered way. Tikki blushed her heart was racing she only new Plagg for 3 weeks but she already fallen in love with him "it was love at first sight".

Aoi:"Kenji can't you believe our little girl is going to be queen". Kenji:"I'm proud of her". Aoi:"Me to". Tikki was standing out in a garden with her best friend Yumiko.

Yumiko:"Girl I can't believe you're going to be married to the prince". Tikki:"I've only none him for 3 weeks". Yumiko:"3 weeks to no the Prince of Pairs!" She shakes her "What's his favorite color his every thing". Tikki blushed Tikki:"I don't know him that we'll yet I just started to get to no him I know his favorite food is strawberrys dipped in chocolate and also cheese his favorite color black like the Black Cat". Yumiko:"Girl I want to no everything about him".

Time skip Plagg:"Tikki do you no how to dance?" Tikki:"No not really". They we're walking around together in a forest to avoid paparazzi taking photos of them they want to keep their relationship a secret from the world for now. Plagg:"Dancing is very strict in my family especially when it comes to weddings". Tikki:"Oh then I'll start preparing-". Plagg:"No I'll teach you don't get yourself all worked up about it". He leaned in and he kissed her on the lips. Tikki face turns red Tikki closed her eyes and she kissed him back. Plagg breaks the kiss they were both panting their breath hitching. Plagg:"I've seen you before Tikki I saw you at the bakery with you parents helping them bake macaroons I fell in love with you right then and there I knew you were the one fit to be my queen".

Tikki was still flustered from the kiss Plagg:"I will always love you cherish you and, protect you from harm at all cost"."Also I want 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl". Tikki:"Woah woah slow down". Nooroo:"Was the three kids thing real or was Plagg just joking". Barkk:"Yeah I wanna know too". Plagg,:"Nope I wasn't joking". Tikki:"I'm still flustered and embarrassed about it till this day". Plagg:"And I got the two sons and the daughter I wanted". Nooroo: "So romantic". Dussu:"I love true love". Trixx:"Yuck!"

Tikki:"Let's move on with the story ". Tikki was stitching her wedding dress it's been 4 months and the wedding is almost here they're wearing red for the wedding. Here is what the dress looks like.

Plagg & Tikki Human Q&Aजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें