Sexuality history:
When she was younger she would always look at girls and would have the feeling that she liked them. When her dad began to punish her she would still look at those girls but discreetly. She would sometimes look at the boys but she would always think that they were hot but they wouldn't be something for her. When she began to date Slade she always felt like it was wrong. But because she was fresh out of home she didn't want to let others know that she was lesbian. When she came out as lesbian almost 2 years later and then acting as friends not really changing Slade made the confession of saying that he sort of knew she was gay because he felt the same. He was gay himself but didn't want to hurt her if he was wrong about his feelings. Since then they would tease each other over that. Sometimes they would even say to each other when they saw someone hot but from the wrong sort. Hmm she is hot. Something for you. And the same way around. When they would go to bars and they would get numbers from guys or girls they would always say. Oh I'm not the one you seek. But he/she is something for you.

History on the island:
When they went to the island that teasing nature never went away and Slade began to act more like an older brother towards her and began to help her see the world differently than before. When Oliver came she didn't trust him at all and thought he would do something stupid. She would help him if Slade didn't want to and even then she didn't trust him enough. Until he told her one night in secret that he liked Slade but didn't know what to do to let the older man see him. So because of this she began to help him. So when they met Shado Olivia was the one that fell hard for her and because of this both Oliver and Slade began to tease her about her crush. When they got together and Sarah came into the light, Olivia was afraid she would lose Shado. But that didn't happen because they were together. When Olivia and Shado were rescued from the island they were alone on the island and Olivia and Shado both thought their friends died. So she went back to Starling city with Shado. When she heard that Oliver was back with Slade she became best friends with them again.

History in Starling City:
When she was in Starling for 3 years before Oliver came back she decided to seek her best friends up again. She was happy to come to know that the two boys came together and also lived together. They even had adopted a kid. When she saw that she was happy for them. When she was back in Starling she decided to buy a house so that she could go do the promise she made to Oliver. She would be the vigilante along with Shado. She did this and her attack points were always different to when she did it and how. Sometimes there would be months in between and sometimes there would be a week where there were attacks almost every day. The cause of death or injury was always different. Sometimes they would be killed by an arrow or blade but sometimes they would have cuts. She also attacked other people that were hurting people in the glades. That way it wasn't that suspicious. So when Oliver came back she began to follow him. When he was kidnapped the vigilante did show up but it was the one that Oliver described. No she and Shado did it. When Oliver came to know that she was in the city. He thought that she was a bad vigilante so he and Slade cornered her. She was alone that time because Shado didn't feel well. She had turned around and had told them to be happy to see them and had brought them to the hideout Oliver had wanted to use. Here they decided to work together with each other and to alternate between each other. Sometimes they would all be out and help each other. But Olivia and Shado were the only two that had a pretty good relationship with the city and if something happened to them they would be counted as a hero. For Slade and Oliver this took longer.

Superhero clothes and weapons:

Superhero clothes and weapons:

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Extra:She never went back to her family when she came back from the island

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She never went back to her family when she came back from the island. She did hear however that they heard she was still alive and that they also heard she was in a relationship with a woman. However, who told this she didn't really know. She had an idea but didn't want to meet that girl anymore.

In a relationship with + amount of years:
Slade Wilson, 2 years, they are now exes but are still friends.
Shado, 3 years

Who is in a relationship with who:
Slade/Oliver - this can be changed if you want
Sarah/Nissa - this CAN'T be changed
Olivia/Shado or Olivia/Your OC - your choice!

Scenario 1:
(You play your own OC here)
You are the girl that snitched on her when she was younger and you decide to seek her up. However when you meet her again you see that she is one of the four vigilantes. You want to be her girlfriend so you decide to do everything to let her see you. One day she saves you. When you say hello to her however she ignores you. You?

Scenario 2:
(You play your own OC here)
You wanted to see her for a while now because you were in her old friend group and you want to know how she is. So when you see her in Starling you decide to visit. When you get there however you hear she is in the hospital. You?

Scenario 3:
(you play your own OC here)
You have had a crush on her since she was younger and wanted to see her for a while now. But because you don't want to set fury on her parents you decide to seek her yourself. You find her in Starling. When you go there you come eye to eye with her when you are getting coffee. She has a smile on her face. You?

Scenario 4:
(you play your own OC here)
You have always wanted to train with Olivia when you were in the army. You decide to find her and you find out she is the vigilante and you decide to black mail her into doing what you want to do. She meets you at the place you wanted to meet. However there are two guys with her. And when you look down on your shirt there is a red dot. You?

Scenario 5:
Think of something we can do!

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