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Superhero name:


Sex + pronouns:
Woman (She/her)


Appearance/Face claim:

Personality:Nice when she knows you

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Nice when she knows you. Mysterious, active, she is a good fighter, athletic, kind when she knows you, loyal, alert, challenging, energetic, helpful, she has a lot of distrust towards people

Being alone, teasing Slade and Oliver, shooting, training

Her Homophobic family, bullies, people who think to know better than her,

Her family and younger history:
Her family were abusive towards her because they always knew that she didn't like guys like they always believed that was the right thing. So they abused her and somewhat made her think that being with a guy would change her. She never had been in a relationship before she went to the military. But the reason she left was because she began to see that her parents weren't good and she wanted to not be around them anymore. She had always planned to leave at 16. Her father was always the one that would punish her when he wanted to. Because of this she began to mistrust other people. Mainly men. Because of this she didn't trust most of her friends anymore when she went to hang out with them. Because she always told them how she felt and her parents would always somehow know. Later she came to know that it was one of the girls who told them everything because she hoped that she would leave and they would be together. But that didn't happen. No, because of this she didn't trust the girls in her friend group anymore and only a few boys she would trust. Before she left she had left behind some money for two of the boys because they told her in secret that they liked each other but didn't want to come out afraid the same as her would happen.

History in the military:
When she was 16 she had decided she wanted to go into the military so she did that. Here she found out pretty soon that she was good at long distance shooting. But she also came to know that she was pretty good at fighting. Because of this they wanted her to learn from the best. Because of this she was sent to ASIS. The Australian military. Here she met Slade. He first didn't really like her and the feeling was mutual. Because she had a lot of trust issues towards older men. But the more she began to train with Slade the more she began to trust him. She got into a relationship with Slade when she was 18. But they would still act like they were more friends. She never really got to learn about Sexualities and her parents always told her that being in a relationship with a woman was bad. So when she was in a relationship with Slade she didn't think that she didn't like it at all for some reason. She also felt like they were more friends than anything else at some point. When they got to the island her Sexuality changed along the way.

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