13: ɴᴇᴡ ꜰᴀᴄᴇ

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"I'm curious. What is your reason for traveling around Teyvat?"


Aether set the pouch of mora on the coffee table. Most of it probably came from doing commissions.

After Aether and Paimon's private conversation with Furina, you all went back into the Teapot.

"To find my sister."

Aether sat down on the couch while you stood by the door.

"You lost her?"

"Not necessarily.. She was taken away from me. I've been looking for her since I found out the truth."

"...I see."

You mostly didn't understand Aether's explanation since he claims that his sister was "taken away from him" and he still needs to find out the "truth," but you nodded your head and pretended you did.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy your company."

This caught your attention as you immediately looked at the blonde. His attention stayed on the ground.

"Thank you for being a good friend, Y/n. After everything that happened in the previous nations, I started questioning whether this was all worth it. Your hospitality puts me at ease."

Your eyes widened slightly at Aether's words. They made you feel happy and warm.

You didn't even realize that you were smiling.



You blinked a few times, trying to see if you were hallucinating.

Was Furina really in your living room right now?

Wait, that wasn't the main problem. What was with all the suitcases?

"Hey Furina! Wow, you're here early!!"

"I know.~ I had to wake up a bit early to inform Neuvillette about the sudden change of my living situation."

Furina turned to you and smiled as she saw the look of surprise on your face.

"It seems we're going to be together for a while longer, Y/n!"

Aether struggled to pick up Furina's bags and drag her suitcases. He slowly brought them into the spare room right next to yours.

"Furina, you're going to be living here with us?"

Furina put her hands on her hips as a proud smile appeared on her face.

"Of course! It's not a problem, is it?"

You shook your head as you watched Aether bring the suitcases in.

Was all that stuff even going to fit in her room?

"Y/n, Paimon's hungry!"

Paimon flew over to you and smugly smiled. You nodded and walked into the kitchen.

Now you would have to calculate how much food you have to make. You already know that Paimon is similar to a cow because there is no way that she could fit all of that food into one stomach.

Who knows. Maybe she was like you and needed a lot of energy to function properly. After all, she's flying around 24/7.

Paimon followed you into the kitchen while Furina walked into her new room to unpack.

"What do you want for breakfast?"


Stars appeared in Paimon's eyes as she grew excited at the thought of eating the sweet cake.

"Do you need help?"

Aether stretches his arms as he stands by the kitchen door.

You shook your head.

"No, I'm fine. Are you okay, though? Those bags looked heavy."


Aether opened the blinds, letting in all the sunlight.

"Paimon is going to ask Tubby if she wants anything!"

The little fairy flew out the kitchen and opened the front door to go wake up the bird.

As you finished mixing the batter, you poured it on the pan. The sound of sizzling could be heard due to the contact.

You never asked Aether for help with the cooking. Mostly, it was because you needed it. The other part was because you felt as if you owed him for giving you a home.

Also, you cooked amazing food, yet you don't remember how you obtained such a skill.

"So, that's what you three were discussing yesterday."

Aether nodded as he sat down in one of the dining chairs.

"Yeah. I would've told you, but Furina asked me to keep it a secret. I'm surprised Paimon didn't blurt anything out."

As if on cue, Paimon came back in on the kitchen, pouting. She most likely heard everything.

"That's because you kept glaring at Paimon the whole way home!"

Aether rolled his eyes while Paimon crossed her arms.


Paimon and Aether's eyes lit up as they saw a plate towered with pancakes be placed right in front of them.

"Wow, Paimon will never go hungry with you around Y/n!"

Aether picked up his fork and immediately began digging in. The fatigue due to commissions must have caught up on his stomach.

You looked at the room that now belonged to Furina.

Did she even eat today? She did say that she woke up early, and she managed to pack up all her stuff in one night.

You walked out of the kitchen and towards the door.

Hearing light knocking on the door, Furina put down her bag and opened the door.

"Oh, Y/n! Is there something you need?"

The girl smiled at you as if her living there was the most normal thing in the world.

You didn't have a problem with her moving in. Not at all! You were just curious about her sudden decision to pack her bags.

Especially since her house was so nice.

"Did you eat yet? There's pancakes in the kitchen."

Furina shook her head.

"No, but I'll eat in a bit. I'm not hungry right now."

"Y/n, catch meee. Paimon can barely fly..."

You sighed as you caught Paimon in your arms. You were really starting to feel like a father to the fairy or whatever she was.

"How much did you eat...?"

"Not enough! Paimon wishes that she was human-sized so that she could fit more food in her stomach! By the way, that food you made was great...what's for lunch?"

Before you could say what was on the menu for today, Furina immediately cut you off.

"Wait, you made breakfast?"

"I did."

"You know, maybe I could eat something. I'm actually starving!"

Furina happily skipped her way to the kitchen while you watched with confusion.

Why the sudden change in heart?

"Hey! You didn't answer Paimon's question. What's for lunch?"

♡𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓵 ♡ | Furina x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now