Chapter 12

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It was now evening and the Oberoi brothers had left for their hotel after staying for evening snacks. Dadi and Anika had offered them to stay for dinner but they respectfully refused, given they had taken a lot of their time already.

Dadi: they are such well-behaved boys aren't they?

Gauri muttering: well-behaved my foot!

Anika lightly slapped the side of Gauri's foot, Gauri's mouth opened lightly and Dadi looked at the two with a raised brow.

Dadi: Gauri, care to share your thoughts with everyone?

Gauri: no Dadi, you continue praising them.

Dadi rolled her eyes as she looked at Vishal who was with Badi Dadi, helping her with the remote.

Dadi: Vishal, where is everyone in terms of your father, mother, Sahil and Ranveer?

Vishal: Sahil stayed in after-school tuition so he is coming back now. Papa is just on his way from work. Mama is collecting the groceries you asked her for and Ranveer bhaiya is also coming back from work.

Just as he finished his sentence, everyone who was missing from the household had arrived.

Dadi: good everyone is here. I know you all just came back but please take a seat, everyone.

Gauri: and what about those who were already seated? Can we get up and go?

Dadi: no, stay where you are seated.

Gauri sighed and looked at Anika with a sad face. Anika rolled her eyes at Gauri before turning her attention to Dadi.

Dadi: today I have received news that the Oberois will be coming to celebrate Diwali here in Rishikesh.

Manju: they are coming all the way from Mumbai to us to celebrate Diwali? Kya baat hai!

Dadi: Manju.

Manju: sorry mummyji, continue speaking.

Dadi: thank you. So as we all knows the Oberois are going to soon be Anika's in-laws, hence why it is really important that their 2 weeks visit here goes well.

Gauri, Vishal and Sahil: 2 weeks?

Dadi: yes because they are staying for Karvachauth which occurs 9 days before Diwali, and in between those 9 days it will be Anika's chunni ceremony which will be Shivay and Anika's official engagement then after Diwali, we will have Shivay's tilak ceremony in Rishikesh before they leave.

Gauri: question, the tilak ceremony is the groom's acceptance ceremony right?

Dadi: yes Gauri why?

Gauri: then why should we hold one for Shivay when I don't accept him?

Anika: Gauri!

Ranveer: I'll answer this question for you Dadi.

Dadi: go ahead.

Ranveer: Gauri, Gauri, are little hence your opinion is irrelevant.

Gauri rolled her eyes before going back to pay attention to Dadi.

Dadi: so anyway, I expect good behaviour from all of you and no mischief, no making poisoned Turkish tea, no pretending to be someone else, no ruining the rishta, does everyone understand?

Everyone looked at Gauri and she looked a little confused.

Gauri: why is everyone looking at me?

Ranveer: who pretended to be Anika?

Anika: who tried to stop this rishta from happening?

Vishal: who made that poison tea?

Ranveer: poison tea?

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