The popular cheerleader. Her daddy being the principle. Something you hear in almost ever movie. She's perfect. From her hair. To her nails. Perfectly done. Grades perfect. But she isn't as perfect as people would think. 

What pairs good with a popular blonde cheerleader?

Captain of the team. Football or basketball. 

They would be the most popular couple at the school wouldn't they? 

Ava Smith is a perfect girl. But where's her perfect boyfriend?

Like barbie without ken. 

Here's the thing you may already know. She's not straight. She may act and seem like it but behind closed doors shes completely different. 

Captain of the girl's basketball team. Fit. Athletic. Quiet. She's not known for anything but top of the class. And the court. 

Angel Walton. Not perfect to anyone. Either talks to much or not enough. 

She seems like two different people on and off the court. But how does she act behind closed doors? 

Ava Smith. Blonde hair. Your typical cheerleader. Blue eyes. Pretty smile. 

Angel Walton. Black hair. Piercing green eyes. Too quiet. 

How they come across each other is different. Not a typical love story. Not at all. 

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