Powerful boy and girl

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Casey's Perspective:

The day began with a series of annoying beeps, prompting me to reluctantly rise from my slumber. I went through my morning routine, and as I grabbed my laptop to watch "Charmed," the anticipation of seeing my boyfriend, Edward, and our friends on my birthday brightened my mood.

Downstairs, I encountered the usual morning banter with my father and twin brothers before indulging in a delightful breakfast my mom prepared. The attempt of my brothers to snatch some of my favorite treats resulted in an unusual act of generosity on my part.

As we piled into the car, the atmosphere changed when "Teach Me How to Dougie" blared from the radio. Edward, ever considerate, handed me his earphones and played the catchy tune. The infectious rhythm took over, and soon, we were dancing through the school corridors. My friends joined in, and the impromptu dance session ended with us on the floor, rolling and laughing uncontrollably.

Despite our momentary embarrassment, we decided to turn things around with a playful prank involving One Direction. Edward, not a fan of the boy band, unwittingly got caught up in the chaos, and the day took an unexpected turn. Amidst the laughter and antics, I couldn't help but appreciate the adorable charm of my occasionally irritable but undeniably cute boyfriend.

Edward's p.o.v.
The kiss felt amazing . This kiss topped every other kiss I've gotten. I love her I really do it's just that I have got to keep her safe if we are mates we agree that I will reject her until I deal with the problem then we get back together and do what mates should do ;live happily ever after. I'm trying to solve the problem now so I don't have to reject her. I'm 17 and I'm a hybrid not the type of hybrid you know . I can shift into a demon , a demon wolf , a lion , a tiger, a wolf that can walk on the stars and a winged wolf , an angel wolf , a vampire , a angel , a merman , a fairy and a lot of other creatures. I'm also a witch/wizard and a elemental I can control earth , fire , air and water or smoke. I can control anything that has to do with nature and the earth also the atmosphere and the whole ocean. It's cool I know but it's kinda hard to control. If you are a man and you love a girl wouldn't you do anything for her?
"Edward are you okay" she asked I didn't want to say anything so I nod. I stopped her from walking and I hugged her . She responds quickly . She hold me tightly not trying to squeeze me to death but trying to make sure I don't leave her kind of squeeze. I rubbed her back soothingly.she pulled away a minute after and started walking to class again. Oh I forgot to mention that we have the same classes together all of them. I have 18 brothers. I know you can't believe but some of them came out as twins or triplets.I'm in the twins section because I have a twin. His name is Derek. I went in our classroom and told the teacher that we are going to skip school until lunch time. "Okay " he said. We have very high marks so they allow us to do whatever plus it's a university. Just as we walk out the classroom, the school bell rings and all the other students went into class upset that there was no one direction. "Come on baby " I said to her, she looked up and smile. "Okay" she said and we went outside and sit on a bench. I pulled her toward me so she's resting on me with her head under my chin ,we hold hands and I kiss her forehead . We stayed like that for a while. Why is my mother not happy for me?. She is the one that said that I should look for a nice person, i mean we've been dating for 2 years now and she hates Casey and as far as I know Casey doesn't even know her. I just don't get it. I mean I've been doing drugs since I was 13 and she told me to stop that I need help but I never listened and Casey saw what was happening and she took care of me well not at first she had no clue what was happening she bump into me when I was smoking and being the cute adorable person she is she slapped the cigar out my hand and tell me to lean down so she could whisper something to me. When I leaned down she whispered smoking don't do it or your going to die early. I laughed and she pouted while saying hey that's mean. She was like a baby. I'm sorry princess for laughing at you. I knew at that moment that I want her to be mine. Here's a deal I told I'll stop smoking if you become my girlfriend. That's was how we met. At first my mom was happy but when she heard Casey's name she didn't care anymore. You know what I found out three weeks ago? I found out that the dad I know and grew up with is not my father . Guess who it is. It is the devil himself. When I found out I packed my bags and went through the door. I couldn't believe it and she the woman who I used to call mom had the nerve to come and touch me, telling me that she loves me. I pushed her off me and went to buy a new house for me . It has enough room for my dad (not the devil) and brothers, there is no space for "✌️mom✌️". "Honey" casey says in a innocent tone
"Yes love" ? I asked
"Are you sure your alright" ? she asked looking up . Damn she's adorable.
"Hmmm" i say as I dip my head down to kiss her. We found our lips moving in sync right away . I smile in the kiss . "She's so beautiful" I thought.
Casey p.o.v.
We are kissing,we are kissing. I totally can feel fireworks right now .His tongue is so warm . He taste like grapes and peaches my favourite fruits. We fought for dominance but he won . One of his hands is under my shirt while the other is in my hair (he pulled out the bun). We were both moaning but not too loud. When we finished kissing I looked down blushing. "Your cute when you blush" he said smiling. I just realized that I was in his lap . " When did I arrive in your lap" I asked . He just smirks and said "that's for me to know and for you to find out ". We start making out again but this one last 30min . We continue making out until the school bell rings signalling it's lunch time. We went to McDonald's for lunch today. Then we went back to school. Me ,Edward and the rest of my friends came sitting at our lunch table. We were eating while my friends were stealing my food from me. Edward and I are in a good relationship ; we both trust each other, we look out for each other and we adore each other . Isn't that nice ? We tell each other almost every single thing except The only time I tell him when I'm on period is if my tummy hurts a lot. 5min later slutzilla came in the cafeteria. She looks over at me and Edward and she smirks . "I hate her so much if only I have more strength", I thought. Slutzilla is called Cecilia . She is stupid . "Heyyyy Edward your mother said we should get married when we are 24" she said smiling . Edward was so angry we didn't even see him when he moved.He was right here and now he's over there choking Cecilia. The whole cafeteria went ooh . I walked over to him but before I reached him after he smashed the wall that's right beside her face . I touched his arm then hold his hand. I pulled him towards me . he didn't want to let go but I managed to pull him out the cafeteria. When we were outside I turned and kiss him . I stopped kissing him to say something . "Edward I know that it's a bit too early but I love you . If you don't feel the same I can let you go and try to move on. Just so you know I love you like I really really love you.Edward it's okay if you don't feel the same" , I said as I turned and walk away.
"Casey wait sweetheart come back please", he said. I Turned and walk back with my head down."look I really love you OK sweetheart" ,he said. I hugged him. Then we start to kiss. The bell rings signalling the end of school. We continue kissing until we were interrupted by my annoying brother . "Okay love birds break it up , break it up" ,
Damien said ; he was getting on my nerves so I punched him in the face. "Some sista love",he said . I turned back and kiss Edward. After we finish kissing We walked to our cars . Edward said he was going to do something at home so I said okay. I went home very excited; today is THE day I'll never forget because today I'm going to shift into my wolf and it's going to be awesome.
************************************at home 11 o'clock*****************************
I'm at home waiting for Edward to come by but he isn't here yet,I wonder where he is.
Oh oh this wild wild love of ours
it can't be tamed no this wild wild loves of ours
it can't be tamed no
For better or for worse a blessing nor a curse
Long live this wild wild
love of ours
I took up my phone and press answer .
E -hey love sorry I'm late
C-it's okay
E- Am I late though?
C- Kinda you have 59 min left
E - okay I'll be there soon
C - okay
Edward p.o.v.
I'm at the place where I'm supposed to meet THEM . It's a old club that's close. Jason comes out . He's a buff lean man with blonde hair. When he's fully outside the rest of the gangsters stepped out. It was 10 o'clock and there was 15 of them including Jason.
"Is that all of you " I asked . The leader stepped out in the middle. "Yes that is all of us "
he answers. "Okay" ,I said as I take off my jacket. "What are you doing " ,he asked "I'm getting ready ",I answered "for what", he ask "you will know soon" , I said . "I want 10 of you to come over here and fight me " , I said. It was 11 o'clock when I Finish killing all of them without leaving behind any trace of my hand print or any clues that I kill them ;I also search for survivors but there weren't any . There were all rouges but they were too easy to beat. I called my girlfriend to make sure everything is going well. After I know she was okay I went to have a shower so that I can go over to her house.
Casey's p.o.v.
Edward came over at 11:20 and it's 11:25 right now. If you're wondering where Edward is he in my room looking at my photos even though he seen them a bunch of times. Casey come here please he said . I went over to him and he pulled me on him . Now I'm straddling him. His hand is in my hair and the other is on my waist. We slowly started to kiss then it turns out to be a full make out when we pulled away we were breathing heavily. Edward what time i-hmmm hmmm he kissed me again.
C- I hate you
E- no you love me
C-hate you
"love me" , he said while holding my hand. I look deeply in his eyes and I see pride passion and love .
I nod my head "i love you ,I do so much", I said letting happy tears fall out my eyes. I kiss him .
"I love you too I would even shout it out to the whole world if I could", he said.
"It's 11:55 ,we have 5 more minutes before you shift ", he said "I'll be there I promise" ,he said
"Okay " ,I said
**************************************************3mins later***************************************************
"Casey honey its time to go outside" , mom said. "Come on love I will be in wolf form with you I promise " ,he said I ran and hug him . He lift me up bridal style and kiss my forehead. I hide my face in his neck. Before you know it were outside in the woods. "Baby put me down please", I whisper to Edward
"Okay ", he said as he put me down . What time is it ?
It's 11:59 and time for me to shift he said as he takes off his shirt (even if I've seen his 8pack already it still amazes me)then he shift into a big wolf and when I say big I mean huge. Holy cow* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just as I said that my brothers came into the woods .
WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT THING IS HUGE they said .
Edward growl at them and it's a good thing I had my camera video taping them .
They both screamed together like girls
"Would you shut up"? I ask them
"NO!!!,LOOK AT THAT BIG ASS THING" they yelled out together. Edward growl again.
"It's Edward" I said . "Whaaaaat that thi- that's Edward's wolf" they ask .
"Ye-ahhhhhhhhhh" I screamed and started crying because of the pain .Edward came beside me comforting me and it helps a lot . Good thing the camera is okay.
Edward's p.o.v.
I watched as her parents came in the clearing and I watched her shift in to a beautiful wolf (picture on the side) . She has blue colour hair on some parts that makes a design .
Looking at her now just add more reasons for me to love her.
Parents p.o.v. Mindlink
Mom: my daughter is so beautiful but her wolf is reminding me of that prophecy we read doesn't it David
Yes Martha it does and your also right ,our daughter is beautiful.
Twins p.o.v.
Wow our sister is huge Damien and Ian said at the same time.
Casey p.o.v.
The pain is all I can think about . It hurts because my bones are breaking and reforming into a wolf body . Fur started to sprout from my skin , next thing you know I'm a wolf.
I tried to stand up but fell back down. Edward comes and help me.
Edwards p.o.v.
"Are you alright"? I ask through the Mindlink . "Yes I am I guess wait can you hear me"?She ask. "Yes love I can hear you I'm glad you are okay", I said. "Me too" ,she said. "Come on let's jog then run okay " i said . She nodded her big furry head.
"Let's go" , I said as I started to jog . Ten minutes later she finally got it then we both started to sprint into the woods. I showed her everything she needs to know . We start to head back home but then I got an idea. "Hey you wanna race me"? , I ask . "Sure", she said.we raced again but we are going home this time. My girlfriend is fast. When we are on the door step i shift back into a human. I'm still in my jeans; perks of being a witch. "Picture yourself in your human body", I said because she just stood there looking at me. She did that but came out naked . I look her up and down she's beautiful . I give her my shirt and she put it on. I touched her and I feel sparks I guess she felt them cause she is smiling and crying. I lift her up bridal style run home and carried her in our room. Just so you know when i said home i mean our house the one I bought.

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