The Beginning

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Todoroki Enji arranged an agreement of a quirk marriage with the Himura Family to marry their daughter, Rei for the purpose of having and raising children to be heroes. One that possesses his fire and her ice.

Their first born, Todoroki Touya didn't possess the dual quirk. However, he held a fire quirk that's ever greater than Enji's, Blueflame. At first not feeling as if the child is valid enough to even be train being a hero, he was neglected until.. the birth of the second born, Todoroki Fuyumi. When Fuyumi developed an ice quirk same as her mother's. Enji changed his mind and train Touya

While the duration of Touya's training Enji realized that Touya was sensitive to the fire he produces and begin to receive permanent burns and scars because of it. In a way to protect him from burning himself, Enji ceased their training.

After that, Enji decided to have more children with Rei. Producing their third born, Todoroki Natsuo. Who possesses the ice quirk same to his mother and sister.

The cycle continues on, making both Todoroki Shoto and Todoroki (Y/N) ...


After an outburst from Touya, in which Touya attacks Shoto, Enji had isolated both Shoto and (Y/N) from seeing any of their siblings and demanding them to be under Rei's supervision.

From there Enji would only focuses on training Shoto and (Y/N) and neglecting his other children and claiming them to be failures and a bad influence to the twins.

The twins could only watch their siblings play from afar, deeply wishing to play with the rest. Of course their father forbade it and continue training them. When the twins turned five, Enji began putting them through brutal and detestable training. Their mother would try to intervene, telling Enji to not be so hard on them only for her to get yelled at and hit by him.

Rei was also a victim of Enji's abuse, to the point where she started becoming mentally unstable. Meanwhile, Touya continued his training secretly at Sekoto Peak, raising the power of his flames to the point where they turned blue. Upon learning of this, Enji furiously lashed out at Rei for not stopping him. All of this stress bubbled up within Rei until she snapped one day when she saw Shoto's left side which reminded her of Enji and threw boiling water over him. After this incident, Enji had her admitted to a mental hospital.

Some time after that, Touya waited for Enji to come to Sekoto Peak and watch how he had improved, but because he didn't, he lost control of his Quirk. His flames ignited so intensely that they engulfed his body and lit the surrounding forest on fire. He apparently died during the incident, with no traces of his body being found except for a small piece of his jawbone.

Touya's supposed death harshly affected the family, especially Rei, who upon learning of the incident, suffered a severe relapse that lengthened her stay in hospital, and Natsuo, who still holds Enji accountable for Touya's death and resents him for it. A Butsudan Buddhist altar was installed in Touya's room, with his family frequently sending their prayers to him. Even Enji is seen praying at it, regretting the loss of his eldest son.

Despite this, Enji did not relinquish his ambitions, believing that he couldn't give up or take a step back after causing Touya's death. He soon became obsessed on training Shoto and (Y/N) to be his perfect successor.



There be will a few changes between third and second person, im sorry if im not aware of it. Once again, Im not staying with the true plot.

The differences in age (between them and the twins)

Touya   - 8yrs
Fuyumi - 6yrs
Natsuo - 4yrs

The youngest Todoroki (twin shoto reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora