The Runaway Found

Start from the beginning

''What is this? What the hell is this?''

I look at Luke to explain as Abby's mother storms into the room.

''Look, Mrs. Brown, I can exp...''

''Get out. Get the hell out of my house, or I'll call the police!''

''And tell them what, huh? That your daughter knows the truth about my uncle's death?''I snap, as Luke shook his head.

''Your uncle was Keith Scott? I'm very sorry for you, but my daughter has been traumatized since then. She hasn't been to school. Her life has become very difficult, and that is why I lied to you last night.''

''Listen, Abby told me that Jimmy Edwards didn't kill my uncle Keith.'' Lucas looked at Mrs. Brown, hand going out to hold mine.

''Did she? Honey, is your name Abby?'' Abby shook her head.

''Am I your mother?'' Abby shook her head once more.

'' Are you sure?'' The girl once again shook her head.

''Now, I'm very sorry for your loss. That day changed all of us... and none of us for the better. But I'd like you to leave. And Lucas,Blake, don't come back. Abby has been through enough.''

My brother and I nodded our heads before we left the house in silence. .

''What the hell is wrong with you?''

I tilted my head as I walked down the rest of the stairs. The twins were down for the count and I was headed to get ice cream.

''You're welcome.''

I made my way into the kitchen and seen Nate and Luke.

''Screw that, Luke. We said we weren't gonna say anything. We agreed.''

''So what?'' Luke looks at our younger brother, as I stayed quiet, not interrupting.

''So what did you do?''

''I went and saved your stupid ass so you could play college basketball and have everything you've ever dreamed about.''

''You know what? That's a bunch of crap. We could have beat this thing, man.'' Nathan let out a breath of air.

''Sounds like you're feeling a little guilty to me.''

''Yeah, of course I'm feeling guilty, but you shouldn't have said anything to Whitey, man. That was a stupid thing to do.''

''You know what? I don't care. I'm not going to college to play basketball anyway. It doesn't matter.''

''It doesn't matter that for the rest of time, people are gonna talk? They're gonna say you disgraced the game, Luke. That doesn't matter to you?''

''Let them say what they want to say about me. It's what they say about Jimmy Edwards. That matters to me. And what they say about Keith. But this? At least I know the truth about this.''

''Peyton thinks I'm a martyr. I can't stop this, Luke. I just... I'm this close, man, and I got the baby. I can't. You shouldn't have said anything.''

''Blake... B. Wake up.''

I groan before looking at the clock on my bedside table.

''What do you want at 1 o'clock in the morning, Lucas?'' I moaned, laying back down.

''Its Abby. She's in my room.. Says she wants to tell us what happened.''


''Come on.''

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