new years eve

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(third-person pov, sorry this is so late omg)

new years! Noah and Alejandro haven't hung out a lot during winter break, they've had a few chats but for the most part, it was just Noah, Izzy, and Eva hanging out. it was the morning of Dec 31, Noah was laying in his bed scrolling through Tiktok, there wasn't much to do since his parents were out with their friends and his sisters were too busy doing their own thing. suddenly, Noah gets a text from Alejandro, which is unexpected since they haven't talked for days.

"Hey! Are you doing anything today x"


"you wanna come over at 5? xx"


"great! I can't wait to see you! wear something nice <3 x"


it was bizarre for Alejandro to be texting him, and now Noah had 4 hours to dress up and go to Alejandro's house, which was kind of far away, but he had just assumed Alejandro would pick him up. Noah tried looking for a good outfit, but for some odd reason, he felt the need to look the best he could, unfortunately for him all of his outfits were either baggy t-shirts and sweatpants or nerdy vests with cargo pants. he eventually just decided to wear a basic nerdy outfit. Noah still needed to confirm he was gonna get picked up, so he texted Alejandro.

"yo, I'm grtting picked up right"

"Sure! il pick you up xx"


great, that's one less thing to worry about. now all Noah had to do was wait for Alejandro to show up... (like an hour later or something idk)

Noah sees the same car show up at his house, this time Alejandro was driving it. he was wearing a beautiful coat and his hair was perfectly done. this made Noah extremely nervous, or maybe... flustered? Nah, he couldn't be... he opens the car door, getting into the passenger seat next to Alejandro. "you look beautiful today Noah" Alejandro says, causing Noah to become slightly flustered. "thanks I guess, you don't look like a dying cow today" Noah says in reply, making Alejandro laugh softly, it was obvious he was blushing. as they drive, the awkward silence grows louder, and Noah couldn't stand it. "so... why did you invite me over?" Noah says, turning over to look at Alejandro as he drives. "I don't know, I just... I just wanted to hang out again I guess." Alejandro says in reply, his voice was full of emotion, something Noah wasn't expecting. the rest of the ride was awkward until they finally reached Alejandro's house. before they even entered the sound of reggaeton could be heard from the household. Alejandro gets out of the car and helps Noah out too, which Noah thought was unnecessary, which it was. Alejandro tried so hard to be a gentleman when in reality he looked like a simp and a dork. As they entered the house, Noah could feel everyone's eyes pierce through him. there were Alejandro's brothers, and his parents in the house. Alejandro's mom looked so energetic and happy, while his dad was kind of just standing there. "Hi! hello, how are you!" Rosetta says (Alejandro's mom), she seems to be really kind and sweet. "Hey Mama, this is Noah," Alejandro said while gesturing towards him. noah didn't really know what to say, he didn't go out much.  "hello Noah! It's so nice to finally meet you!" Rosetta said while bending over to reach Noah's height. "hey.." replied Noah, who seemed to be uncofterable. everything was going fine so far, Noah was meeting Alejandro's family for the first time, and Alejandro was finally hanging out with Noah! After Alejandro introduced Noah to his family, they both decided they would hang out upstairs and watch TV. they both sat down on the bed, Alejandro was turning on the TV.  "so..." noah said, trying to break the awkward silence, "how... was your life after total drama?" Noah asked with slight hesitation. alejandro turns around to face him, "it was hard, but I did get a lot of fan mail and gifts... so that was cool" Alejandro replied. they stop talking for a few seconds, but then Alejandro finally turns on the TV, and they both start to watch a movie while sitting next to each other. it was still pretty awkward, mostly because noah kept contemplating on whether he should grab Alejandro's hand or not. after a while, it becomes late, around 20 minutes before New Year. "Hey Noah, I wanna show you something." Alejandro says, giving noah a soft smile before getting up. "fine, but it better be amazing," noah says in his usual sassy tone while getting up. alejandro leads noah towards a balcony, a place with a great view of the landscape. Alejandro opens the door, letting noah go first. "so... is it as amazing as you hope it would be?" Alejandro says while also getting closer to the fence on the balcony. noah was amazed by the view, it wasn't much but it felt a lot better when he wasn't alone. "you're so lucky, you get to come out and look at the sky whenever you want!" noah said while leaning on the fence, turning around and giving Alejandro a soft smile. alejandro was slightly flustered, so to change the topic he went back into his room, "wait hold on, I'm gonna get you a drink!" he said while leaving the room, leaving noah alone to enjoy the view. after a while, Alejandro comes back with two cups of ginger ale, giving one to noah. "here, and also there's like 3 more minutes until New years" Alejandro says while staring at the scenery, they both stand there for a while, chatting together. it's now 10 seconds to the new Year and you can hear the neighbours and downstairs counting down. noah and Alejandro were waiting for the fireworks. As it hit midnight fireworks appeared, the sky was filled with lights and sparks, and the wind was blowing. noah and Alejandro were standing close on the balcony, both enjoying the view. suddenly noah grabs Alejandro's hand, causing him to look at noah. "thanks... for inviting me," noah says, his voice softer and calmer than usual. "I'm glad I did" Alejandros replies, they both smile at each other. suddenly, Rosetta comes into the room, "you guys! Come downstairs we made food!" she says, then goes back downstairs. Alejandro and noah follow her back downstairs...

I'm sorry this took so long! I've been busy! 

time: 1:17 am

date: Jan 28, 2024

words: 1083 :3 

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