A Literal Cliff

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I awake to find myself still in the cave. Thank goodness I didn't die. Again. How sad would that be. I reincarnated only to die a day later. I mentally sigh. At least that hunter isn't around. I don't hear anything other than the gentle breeze from outside. So this cave is still safe, for now. Ah, I should check my Status.

{Ulea Lusa} (LVL 3)

Race: Multi-Race Slime (Metallic Slime)

Age: 0

Sex: Female

Job: None

Status: Normal

HP: 2,720

MP: 40,000

Atk: 590

Def: 1,305

Str: 400

End: 7,250

Agi: 200

Int: 7,000

Mag: 900

Dex: 200



Absorber: Lvl Max

Malleable: Lvl 15

Water Stream: Lvl 2

Language Translation: Lvl Max

Speed Hop: Lvl 9

Solidify: Lvl 15

Interchangeable: Lvl Max




Has been Reincarnated, Effect: Given Language Translation: Lvl Max.

|{Slime of Evolution}|

Has had the quickest Evolution of the Slime Race. Effect: Can gain more Evolutions easily,

|{Intelligent Slime}|

Be a Slime that was born with both a Will and Sentience. Effect: Unknown.

|{Otherworldly Alloyed Slime}|

Become a Metallic Slime with Metals from Another World. Effect: Gain Skill Solidify Lvl 15.

|{Evolution Horder}|

Gain more than two Races of your Kind in less than a year. Effect: Gain Interchangeable Lvl Max.

I both leveled up and Evolved. Wait, that metal pile was from a different world? Oh, that last Title. I can now change between my forms. Awesome. This means I'm not stuck to one form of combat. I might still have the Water Stream skill. But I can't use it. So I'm glad I got this Skill. Let's see how this Solidify skill works. If it's metals not of this world, then is it metals from my world? I think of Titanium. My entire body solidifies into a kind of Titanium Slime. It's not completely solid technically. But it seems it's treated that way. Maybe Tungsten and Magnesium too? I become an Alloy made of both. Okay then. It's thought based. Though it seems to have to be a focused thought. That's good. I don't want to suddenly change while just moving around. I wonder... if I could spin myself. Couldn't I make myself a drill and use that as movement? But how would that work? Well it was just a thought. Ah, I'm hungry again. I better go find more rabbits. The moment I leave my Cave a bear attacks me. Its claws shatter against my slime. I turn into my Aquatic Form and hop directly on its head. It dies of suffocation. It did try and get me off. But its claws were still broken and couldn't get a grip on my body. I slowly eat every bit of the bear. Thankfully, that Hunter didn't show up. I immediately went back into the cave. Ah, I got a new skill.

[Danger Perception]

Sense any hostility towards oneself.

So I can tell if I'm gonna be attacked or not. I mean it's still lvl 1, but I think this will be completely useful. I get back to practicing my Malleable skill, though I do experiment with Solidify every now and then while practicing. I fell asleep just after practicing. I awake to the entrance of my cave being forced open. I feel the danger this time instead of a lucky guess. I use speed hop to dodge to the right. It's that Hunter's magic again. It hits where I once was. Shit! I jump out of the cave and hop away as fast as I can. "Oh... It's that slime from before. Good, a bit more challenging." That Hunter reacts. For Goodness Sake! Leave me Alone! I wish I could talk. It would make this idiot realize I'm not prey, but a person. Unless she already knows and doesn't care. I hope this is not the case. I run directly into that cave with the Lizard before. "It's dead. What are you gonna do now?" She reacts. I keep going further into the cave. Until I hop directly into an underground ravine. I wasn't looking ahead of me at that moment. I drop into the Ravine faster than a rock. I speed up quickly. I pass out the moment I hit the bottom.

Ulea's Slimy SurvivalOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant