I beg him to stop even more when he pulls my pants down.

I beg him to stop when he pulls down his pants and underwear.

I beg him to stop when he takes my virginity.

I just beg him to stop.

I wake up screaming, I'm sweating. My whole body is shaking. I can't see anything through the tears. I just hear the door open. People talk but I can't understand a thing. My whole head is spinning before the darkness takes over my body.


I wake up to a very loud scream.

I look around and see that everyone is awake too. I quickly scurry out of my bed and run through the door. It's still dark outside, but I can spot the Ares kids running towards cabin 10. My half-siblings and I quickly run after them.

As we enter the Aphrodite cabin, one person stands out. Eloise Hilton is sobbing violently and her whole body is shaking. I notice that Silena is by her side trying to comfort her. The Ares kids are frozen, they don't move, except for Clarisse that is by Silena's side trying to also calm Eloise down. I walk up to them and kneel down next to her bed.

"I don't think she can hear us." Silena mutters

Suddenly Eloise's eyes flutter close, making her fall sideways. But before she can fall on the floor I catch her.

"Luke take her to the infirmary!" Chiron orders

I quickly pick her up the bridal style and walk through the door. Clarisse, Silena and Gracie walk with me. We quickly walk into the infirmary. I lay her down on one of the beds.

"What happened?" Clarisse asks furiously Silena

"I don't know, I woke up to her scream, she seemed terrified. I don't know maybe she had a bad nightmare." She tries to say as calm as she can but she's clearly shaken up by this whole situation

"She just blacked out, she should wake up by tomorrow." Gracie says while examining her

Suddenly the door burst open, Annabeth comes in dragging a bored looking Thalia into the room.

"Is she okay?" Annabeth asks nervously

"Yes, she should wake up in the next 10-12 hours." Gracie repeats for them

"Great, can we go now." Thalia says yawning

"Why are you even here? No one wants you here and I know for a fact Eloise doesn't want you here. So spare your comments and get your ass out of here." Clarisse says angrily

Thalia looks angry and embarrassed at Annabeth and me waiting for us to back her up.

"I think you should leave, something happened to my sister so we shouldn't fight, but you being here makes that impossible." Silena finally says

Thalia looks now furious, she waits a few seconds to see if we will back her up, but when she realizes that's not going to happen she walks out. But not before laughing to herself and saying.

"I hope she dies."

Clarisse is quick to walk after her. Annabeth runs after them to stop the fight.

I know Thalia doesn't mean what she said, she's just hurt that neither of us took her side and that Clarisse embarrassed her like that. But still sometimes she really just let things go and shut her mouth.

"Luke, Silena and Gracie please go back to sleep. You can visit her tomorrow."

I turn around to be not just met with Chiron but Grover a satyr and a boy that is unconscious. Grover lays him down on the bed, he has blonde hair and looks not older than 12 or 13.

We listen to Chiron and walk out of the Big House.

I escort Silena and Gracie to their cabins making sure that they're fine.

Before making my way to my cabin. When I open the door all my siblings and the other kids are still awake clearly waiting for my return.

"How is she?" Connor asks immediately when he sees me walking through the door

"She fine, she's unconscious but she should wake up tomorrow." I tell them

"See I told you she would be fine. You can stop worrying, lover boy." His brother teases him

We all know about Connor's little crush on Eloise. Travis keeps telling him that she's too old for him but that doesn't stop him from admiring her. But I know that he's not the only one admiring that girl. She's beautiful, no one can take it away from her, she a daughter of Aphrodite after all.

"Okay, everyone back to sleep." I command

My kind of Love / Luke Castellan (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now