explaination for cursed techniques and domain expansion.

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{mortal grasp}

mortal grasp is a cursed technique that infuses the users touch with lethal energy, turning their hands into conduits of death. anyone touched by the user experiences the curses effects, resulting in various degrees of harm, ranging from debilitating injuries to instant death.

unfortunately for y/n, her cursed technique is always activated. she doesn't know how to stop it from being active.

fatal touch: the primary aspect of moral grasp is the ability to inflict harm upon contact. even rhetorical slightest touch can transmit a curse that disrupts the life force of the target. the severity of the curse is determined by the users intent and concentration.

degenerative decay: the curse not only causes immediate harm but also induces a slow degenerative effect over time. the victims cells and tissue break down at an accelerated rate, leading to gradual decline.

cursed resonance: mortal grasp allows the user to sense the life force of their target upon contact. this enables them to pinpoint vulnerabilities and exploit weaknesses, making their attacks more precise and deadly.

cursed contagion: the curse has the potential to spread fr the initial point of contact to other parts of the victims body, causing a cascading effect of decay. this makes it challenging for the afflicted individual to escape the grasp of the curse once touched.


control and precision: the user needs precise control over mortal grasp to avoid unintentionally harming others through casual contact. mastery of the curse is essential to prevent accidental casualties.

(obviously y/n might learn to have control over mortal grasp, in the future. possibly.)

physical contact: mortal grasp requires physical touch to active, making it necessary for the user to get close to their target. this can be a disadvantage against ranges or evasive opponents.

draining stamina: the user of mortal grasp consumes the users cursed energy, and prolonged use lead to physical and mental exhaustion. it requires careful management of energy to avoid becoming vulnerable during combat.

(now for this part, y/n can mark people!!! erm, no not like the gacha life alpha guys.)

curse mark: individuals affected by mortal grasp may beat a distinctive curse mark on the area where they were touched. the mark serves as a visual indicator of the curse's influence and can be used by the user to track their victims or exert additional control over them.

mortal grasp is a fearsome and sinister curse technique, (for dramatic effect ig) embodying the deadly potential of a mere touch. it depends a balance between precision and control, as well as strategic planning to capitalize on the cursed insidious effects in combat situations.

{domain expansion!!}
abyssal embrace:

the user of mortal grasp, when initiating the domain expansion, creates an otherworldly space known as abyssal embrace. in the curses domain, the very air is saturated with lethal energy of mortal grasp, intensifying its effects making it an inescapable realm of decay.

suffocating presence: the abyssal embrace exudes an oppressive aura that intensifies the curses power. even without direct physical contact, the curse permeates the entire space, causing a slow but steady degeneration of the victim within the domain. those caught in the abyssal embrace accelerate decay, manifesting as visible deterioration their surroundings.

pervasive resonance: within the abyssal embrace, the user's ability to sense life force is heightened to an extraordinary degree. they can pinpoint the location of every living being within the domain, allowing for unparalleled precision in targeting and exploiting vulnerabilities.

eternal grasp: once target is touched within the abyssal embrace, the mortal grasp becomes even more insidious. the cursed contagion spreads rapidly, affecting the entire body almost instantaneously. attempts to escape the curses clutches within the domain prove futile, as abyssal embrace itself seems to grasp onto the victim, preventing any reprieve.

mark of the abyss: this mark not only signifies their entanglement with mortal grasp but also acts as a conduit for the cursed energy, allowing the user to manipulate and amplify the effects on the specific individual/individuals. it also can take the cursed energy from the marked individual if needed.


concentration and control: maintaining the abyssal embrace demands immense focus and concentration from the user, distractions or disruptions can weaken the effects of the domain, providing an opportunity for opponents to escape its grasp.

cursed energy depletion: the creation and sustenance of the abyssal embrace consumes a significant amount of the users cursed energy. prolonged use many lead to exhaustion, leaving the user vulnerable once domain expansion is deactivated.

close-quarter nature: like mortal grasp its self, domain expansion requires the user to be in close proximity to their targets. this makes it challenging to affect distant or highly mobile opponents.

{cursed restrain!}

the user of mortal grasp mastery the art of controlling the cursed potency, allowing them to implement a state of curse restrain. the state ensures that the curse remains dormant and harmless until the user deliberately actives mortal grasp once again.

controlled activation: with cursed restrain, the user can decide when and how mortals grasp lethal effects come into play. causal touches or unintentional contact do not trigger the curse, preventing harm to others unless the user wills it.

intentual focus: mortal grasp responds to the users intent and concentration. it only becomes harmful when the user directs their cursed energy with specific purpose of inflicting harm. this intentional focus helps the user maintain control over the curse during everyday interactions.

selective targeting: the user gains the ability i choose specific individuals or objects on which mortal grasp will have an effect. this allows for precision in using the curse, minimizing collateral damage and ensuring that only intended targets are affected.

y/n doesn't have to use cursed restrain it's just something she can use to get mortal grasp under control.

i really hope this didn't suck, if it did i'm very sorry about that.

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