𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦

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Ollie's pov

"So that went well huh?" my manager smirks to me when we walk away from Eleanor and her friend Annka.

"Oh shut up you!, it was just a friendly conversation." I say quickly back.

"Yeah yeah of course, you really looked happy to saw her, wait?, was that the mystery flower girl?" my manager asks back suprised.

"Bro you just realised it?, of course that was her!" I say back and i'm suprised he didn't saw it was her.

"Ohhhh so that's the girl huh?, you have good style." my manager replies and I roll my eyes before I see Jak waving at me.

"Hi mate, ready for the weekend?" I ask to him with a smile when I give him a box.

"Absolute ready, hope to do it beter then last year." Jak says back with a smile.

"I should not worry about it, you got a penalty back then and now you haven't so i'm sure you will do it amazing."

"Thanks mate, are you ready?, I know you love the circuit here." Jak asks back with a smile on his face when we walk together to the paddock.

"Yeah I guess so, i'm excited how the weather will be this weekend, it's always a big question here in Belgium." I laugh back.

"That's absolute true, do you meet by the way you girl?"

"My girl?, we just met each other 2 times men." I reply and I roll my eyes once again.

"One day or another you're a formula 1 driver and she is your wag mate." Jak smirks back.

"Shut up men, you know i'm to busy to have a girlfriend with my career."

"Okay okay men, if you say so but don't come later crying or feel bad when she is gone with another boy." Jak simple says before he goes to his team again and I walk together again with my enigeer to my team.

"Ah goodmorning Ollie." some people of my team says when I greet them all friendly.

"Goodmorning everybody, let's send it today!" I reply back enthusiastic and I go to my box where Frederik is also waiting already.

"Hey men, happy to see you back!" he says enthusiastic when I sit next to him.

"Hey mate, how was summer break?" Frederik asks back when he smiles at me.

"Oh good good, we celebrated my grandmother her birthday like every year during the summer break."

"That's nice mate, I know how important it is for you that you see your family during the breaks, I hope she has an amazing time."

"She absolute had an amazing time and she said so many time thank you with her flowers."

"Aaaah flowers huh?, when will you buy me some flowers?" Kathrine, the girlfriend of Frederik jokes.

"You got flowers yesterday my love." Frederik replies when he gives his girlfriend a little kiss on her cheeck and she needs to giggle a little bit.

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