Chapter Two

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As I leave my room I feel my hair making sure the twist leading into my curled ponytail is tightly secured. I twist it restlessly, only resisting the urge to chew on it. I do that when I'm nervous. I decide to just leave it be and let it fall over my shoulder, but begin flexing and releasing my hand.

I walk down the stairs of the palace to find my mother sitting on her throne. I'm late.

My mother has changed, or so they say. They say she used to be very vain. They say she used to be a sadist. That she even burned my aunt and that's why she's so evil. Why my aunt, Levana, refuses to be seen without her glamour. They say she ordered her seamstresses feet to be removed so she would have nothing to do but sew her lavish clothes.

That's not the lady I know now. The lady I know now is not kind but not evil. She says she saves her love only for me. She is strict but has reasons when her kindness is not given in abundance. She has been ruler of Luna for nearly 18 years, never leaving the capital, Artemesia, not even once. But who am I to question the methods of the Queen? Especially one so naturally fair as her. With her eyes that make her look as if she is always smiling, and a tan that makes her seem as though she has just come home from a trip on the blue planet.

"Selene. Good morning. I have some things to talk to you about." As if on cue, Princess Levana walks in. Where my mother was sadistic, Levana is calculated. Every moment in her life is exactly as she planned it to be, following the incident with the fire in her youth. Her glamour is blinding. Lips the color of a lovers heart, her skin the color of our home rock itself, and hair, auburn colored, in ringlets that fall past her waist. She is utterly and completely breathtaking. And also, fake.

My mother simply glances my aunts way then continues. "As you know, since I learned of your conception, my plans for you have been large and my hopes for you high. And our dealings with earth are not as I'd hoped they'd be by now, and my dear, we are running out of supplies. This blasted planet, that isn't really even a planet at all, is failing us. Our resources have nearly run dry, and it has now come time for us Lunar to ask for the help of Earthens." My mother finishes, the final words sounding as if she is tasting acid in her mouth.

"And, what does this have to do with your hopes and plans for me?" I ask, telling myself silently to stop fidgeting and to not make a fool of myself. I level my gaze at my mother.

"Emperor Rikan's son, Kaito, of the Eastern Commonwealth, has come of age. He will make a fine husband for you. He will someday be crowned Emperor, and you, along with him, shall be crowned Empress. I think it time for you to go and meet your to-be husband."

I simply open my jaw. I know my mother has always hoped to form an alliance with the Earthens but I never expected it to come so soon. I always had hoped there would be talk of the alliance first. A well thought out plan of diplomacy, but no. This is Queen Channary we are talking about. The queen who does nothing, but open her legs for the next man in line. The queen who sleeps through her morning briefings. The queen who insists the advisors will be able to handle it. I was a fool to believe a plan would have ever come from this woman.

"Well?" She barks, "What do you think?"

I open my mouth to respond, but another voice silences me. "What is she thinking?" My auntie cackles as she stares across the room to me, the slit in her skirt becoming more apparent with every stride. "What is she thinking? She is thinking how lovely it will be to be betrothed to such a man of power, she is thinking how lovely that power will taste between her lips while she is playing this political game with the young prince, she is thinking how perfectly this will play in her favor."

"I'm actually thinking a great deal different," I say and the looks on both my mothers and aunts faces read of absolute indignation, "I don't want to marry a man I've never even met. And you are not going to use me as some pawn."

"Selene, I'm not using you as a pawn. One day when you are ruler you will understand that everything is not so simple. That everything is not black and white."

I stare my mother down. Maybe they are wrong. Maybe she hasn't changed. She doesn't even feel sorry she's going to marry me off to an Earthen whom I don't even know, and all for what? So she can sleep more soundly at night, beside an unwitting guard, knowing that she has done at least one thing during her reign? "I know this is going to be difficult for you, but the truth is. I don't care. You will do as I tell you, and if you don't, there will be dire consequences."

She looks at me silently, but I don't need to hear the names of all the people I love to know who would be punished for my refusal. Winter. Evret. Jacin.

"My sweet princess, you will leave Luna as soon as your bags are packed. You will meet the prince and become friends. He doesn't know of the marriage quite yet so you mustn't say a word of it to him. Not to any of the foolish Earthens. As far as they know this is a diplomatic meeting, not a marriage proposal."

"And if I don't like him?" I ask

"Does it matter? Are there not men begging for you constantly. Who you bed, who you share your time with is none of my concern. The power you wield and the Commonwealth crown attop your head is all I will concern myself with. You have 3 days until you leave. I suggest you start packing. I will see you at your take off. Until then there is much work to be done now leave me."

I turn my back to my mother and aunt, with no response.

"That daughter of yours is a bloody fool," Levana 'whispers' to the queen, "If I were you I'd have her pinky cut off."

Princess Selene (AU of The Lunar Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now