Diana rolled her eyes, then chuckled, "Alright, you fuckers. We've got a place to stay for the time being..." before pulling out the strange holographic smartphone device known as a Scroll and sending a confirmation message to Headmaster Ozpin. She then said to them, "I'm gonna start up our Patrol schedule. Toma Twins, you're out on patrol first, right here in the dorms and surrounding area. Everyone else stand by 'till the Headmaster provides us a map."

"Roger," Both of the twins quipped as they stood to their feet and donned their gear. They marched out of the door, gear in tow as they did. Beginning their patrol in the halls of the dorm, the two walked silently, in-step with one-another. Some students that were hanging out in the halls noticed them, but paid little mind. Despite wearing the same uniforms, Vic thought.

"So, whaddaya think about our current sitch, eh, brother?" Vicky asked as they walked. He shrugged. He really didn't have much of an opinion at the moment, for his mind was stuck on something else. Vicky smirked and said, "I'm gonna hope you didn't realize it yet, because that means I get to expose you to the truth... She might be here, too. And we just hafta find her."

Vic paused, looked to his sister, then furrowed his brows and narrowed his lips. There was no way life was going to be that simple, was there? He told her, "I highly doubt Vesna's anywhere but in heaven, Sis, just by the consideration of what kind of person she was alone. As much as I'd love for you to be right... As much as I'm praying..." He hesitated, then sighed and asked, "What would I even do when I see her? I fucked up. We were late to rescue her and..." as he grit his teeth, then shook his head, "No... I don't know if I can look her in the eye after what happened."

Vicky stopped him, turning him to face her. The two siblings looked eye-to-eye as she snapped back at him, "Don't... Ever... Blame yourself for that shit again, Victor..." her eyes filled with both disappointment and fury. She told him, "It was those Chechen fucks that got us, too. They killed her. And even before that, it was the War a certain fucking bald dickhead dictator started that caused their entire country and way of life to go to hell and a handbasket. You did your damnedest to save her."

Vic opened his mouth to reply, but didn't find the strength to deny anything. He scoffed and said, "Maybe," while brushing his sister's hand off gently and turning away. He told her, "C'mon. We got the patrol here to run..." while she stared at him with a frown. With a heavy sigh, she followed along, her gear clattering on her as she did so. He knew there was no point in arguing with his sister. They grew up together, after all.

Vicky, meanwhile, just wished to drive home the point that the poor bastard wasn't at fault. She loved her brother, for fuck's sake. Seeing him suffer like this so many months after the fact was painful. She understood needing time to grieve to a point. Still, she could not exactly comment. She knew Vic had given up hope of finding anyone like Vesna before they all ran into each-other in KFOR.

The pair continued their patrol until they seemed to have a moment of pause. Ahead of them, team RWBY was just coming out of their dorms, about to head out for classes, presumably. Yang noticed the pair first and, with a slight blush on her face and a smile, she waved and greeted them, "And there's two of our new troopers. Already walkin' around and getting acclimatized?"

"More like we already got a job," Vic replied calmly. The four confused members of team RWBY stared at him, to which he explained, "Headmaster Ozpin apparently decided it was a good idea to hire a bunch of soldiers as Beacon Security. Don't know what his thought pattern behind that was, but here we are, patrolling the Beacon Dorm until we get a map for the place and set up a proper schedule."

"Huh, cool!" Ruby beamed, "So you two can maybe walk us to class!"

"Sure thing," Vicky smirked, looking to Yang. Ruby cheered, while Weiss and Blake seemed a little confused as to why they'd even need escorts. Yang knew, however, why. Ruby probably wanted to talk to them more about their firearms, Yang thought as they started on the path. Vicky, however, still eyed Yang. She grabbed her fellow blonde by the arm as the two hanged back, then asked, "Something the matter, Blondie?"

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