The Dragons Call - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Everyone from Camelot turns to Merlyn who's sinking down in her seat. Uther turn to Merlyn and glare at her, he knew it. His son always rescued her, said that she was too stupid to be one, he shouldn't have believed him. Because clearly he was wrong. But somewhere deep down he hoped he was wrong. Not like he would ever admit it, but he respected her for her courage and her kindness he reminded her of his wife and Arthur's mother.

Arthur looks at Merlyn in betrayal how could she not tell him, and betray him like that. He thought they had something special, and she lied to him every single time. How could she? He let a sorceress go so many times, without even knowing.

Morgana look at Merlyn shocked and betrayed. She had magic all along, she sympathized with her while having magic herself. She was on Arthur's side even when he was against using magic, he was just like his father. And she still stood beside him no matter what. Morgana should have known, it would have been impossible for her to survive and save Arthur every time without magic, it all made sense now. How could she have been so stupid?

No one makes a move, not even a sound. The knights of the round table Gwaine, Lancelot, Percival, Elyan and Leon already knew. They trusted her with their life's, how could they not? She saved them all so many times, they would all be dead of it wasn't for her.

To Leon she was like a sister, always there for him. Always helping him.

To Gwaine she was a best friend and a sister, always there to save him from all the trouble he gets in. Always there to help him, if he ever needs it.

To Lancelot she was his best friend and sister, always there. Giving him help when needed, letting him take the praise for her work saving Camelot time and time again.

To Elyan she was a sister just like Gwen was, always there to talk to him and listen to him.

To Percival she was the annoying little sister he loved dearly, always saving his ass and helping him out even when she didn't have to.

She was a sister to each and every of them, just like they were all her brothers always protecting her and comforting her when she needed it. She doesn't know how she survived without them so long, she can't even survive without them for a day now.

She can't imagine not having Gwaine always making jokes, and making her laugh. Not having Elyan comfort her with his wise words and give her advise. Not having Leon teasing her about Arthur, even though she finds it so annoying and training sword fighting with him. Not having Lancelot helping her and watching him being utterly hopelessly in love with Gwen, afterwards teasing him about it and him chasing her around. And not having Percival to ride around the forest with, and complaining about everything they don't like together.

They always practiced sword fighting together even when they all knew she would win every time. Because let's be honest Merlyn knows how to fight. They couldn't imagine practice or their life without her, always beside them helping and encouraging them.

Gwen should have known, she always knew there was something fishy with how everything suddenly was fine when Merlyn was involved. She felt a little betrayed, of course she understood why Merlyn never said anything, it was to risky. But she couldn't help but feel a little betrayed, didn't Merlyn trust her? But Gwen knew Merlyn so she knew she thought she was protecting her and everyone else, if Uther found out she knew. Both of them would have been executed on the spot.

Merlyn look over at Arthur to see him thinking with a emotionless face, glaring at anything in his eyesight. Merlyn didn't know whether she wanted to hear him speak or not at all, she was afraid of what he was going to say.  "Arthur?" Merlyn ask quietly afraid of his response.

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