Chapter 10

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After a long journey with the airplane, the two charming girls arrive in their natal country.

The weather was wonderful to go outside for a walk or just to sit and enjoy the beautiful nature.

Through the busy and big crowd at the airport, Karina manages to notice Ningning that was holding a brown haired boy and Giselle.

"Hey!" Karina waves her hand to them to get their attention.

"Oh, hi Rina! Welcome back!" Giselle smiles, embracing Karina in a big tight and welcoming hug.

After Giselle finishes higging her, Karina notices how happy Winter looked seeing her little brother.

While they were talking and heading towards Giselle's car, the little boy started to question Karina.

"What is your name?"

"I am Karina."

"How old are you?"


"What are you doing with my sister?"
Asked Jisung, making Karina question herself, again, what is her relationship with Winter.

"Coworkers...?" Karina let out her answer that sounded more like a question, but it made Jisung stop all his questions for a moment, then he started again.

"Do you like motorcycles?" Jisung asked another question after they got inside the car.

"I do," Karina answered, getting a bit tierd of him asking so many questions, but decided to bear with him because she didn't want to look rude. He seems like a very bright and lovely child.

"Minjeong bought me motorcycles
toy, it's so cool and shiny, it goes very fast." Jisung described his toy in detail

"You are big. Do you have an adult big motorcycle? What color is it? Can I see it?" Jisung asked, very curious for Karina's answer.

"Yes, it's black. I don't know, maybe when you are bigger,"

"But, I am big alrea-"

"Have you been good while I was gone?" Winter interups him, noticing  Karina was getting tierd of his questions.

From there Karina got lost in her own toughts.

Karina's pov

I start to blame myself again for her death, Giselle explained me that it's only my mind and it was nothing that I could do, but I could at lease be by her side that day.

My mother was the best person in this world.

She was loving me for who I was, she didn't care how much she would still be alive and with me be me she just enjoyed the time we had together.

Now, widout her, the world is just getting uglier and colors seem to fade away.

Why did I had to accept that mission?

I could have been by her side, maybe there was a way to cure her cancer. It's only my fault..

Giselle's voice brings me back to reality

"Rina, I have to take some things from Winter and Ningning's apartament, I will drop you off after, ok?"


Ugh, I just want to go home to blame myself and get lost trough bottles of alcohol again. Maybe I should go take my money from Irene first.

The car stops and I see an apartment complex, I decide to stay in the car. I really don't have energy for this right now.

Giselle notices my behavior and opens the door from my part.

"Aren't you going to get out of the car Jimin?"

"Can't I just stay here?" I look at her, hoping she would agree, after all, this is her car.

"No, let's go. The girls are wIting for us, and also stop being so sad, insead remember you are 30k richer now" Giselle jokes at the end maling me smile  and get out of the car

"See, money therapy always works!"

We enter their apartment and Giselle leves to get her things, Winter is with Jisung, in the end I am left alone in the kitchen with Ningning.

"Would you like to help me cook?" Ningning interups the awkward silence

"Of course!" I answer, starting to wash some vegetables that Ningning pointed at

Now that I am thinking, this week made me feel very alive, something i never felt in a long time. After all, maybe it wasn't that bad to be with Winter for a whole week.

I and Ningning finished the dish, we made Kimchi Fried Rice. Giselle, Winter and Jisung joined us at the table to enjoy it.

After some chatting that and more teasing and joking about Giselle and Ningning relationship, that got the name Ningselle. Gigi and I left their apartment.

Finally! Home sweet home!

As I enter my appertament, Saebok my cute orange cat, welcomes me at the door.

Her cute black eyes that look like two pears, following all my moves, waiting for me to pick her up. Too adorable!

I pick her up and head to the couch and sit down.

"Did you miss me, love? ! Come here, baby! You are so pretty!" I gently pet her,

I took her in when she was a little kitty, I remember it like it was yesterday.

The cold rain drops are tickling down my umbrella falling on the sideroad.

I just finished taking some vegetebles and fruits from the store, all of a sudden I hear some meows.

There is a cat outside on such a denese storm? I might be an assasing but I am not cold hearted, I start following the meows.

Meow, meow, meow,
It's all I hear, I can't see any kitty. Maybe it's in one of the dumpsters?

I slowly open one and I see it, it's a smally orange cat with white lines and a white belly. I reach out my hand to grab her but she backs away.

"Oh no, I will not hurt you, come here. Pst pst pst pst"  I slowly try to extend my hand so she can smell me and see I am no harm.

She wrms up a bit to me and comes with small steps closer to my hand and I pick her up.

"Hi baby, oh you are freezing. Let's go home!"

I take my bag and the kitty in my hands and head home.

I took her the next day to the veterinary, and she fastly became 100% healthy.

She was such a smart and still is a very smart cat.

After some time, I ordered some food and went to sleep because I was very tierd.

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