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Meera's senior colleague stopped her from treating Sidhart as she felt that Meera and Sidhart are both close.

So she was sitting there, sobbing the whole time. Her heart was shattering.

She quickly called Yuvraj and informed him.

Yuvraj and the family came over as soon as they could.

Everyone was shattered, almost none of them were in good terms with Sidhart before this.

After a while the doctor came out and told them that he needs blood.

"I can give him my blood, his blood group is O+ and my blood group is also O+" Meera quickly said

"Please come in, Meera. We'll check you first." Meera's colleague ie Doctor Anika said

After a while Meera's blood was taken and was given to Sidhart.

After what almost 10 hours Doctor Ankia,came out and said "He's now out of danger. But he's still unconscious. You all can meet him when he gains consciousness, a nurse will inform you then."

"Thank you so much doctor!"

"Uh, doctor Anika, how is he?"
"Better, Meera don't worry."

After a while Sidhart gained consciousness.

"Sidhart how are you?" Sudha asked
"I'm good mom, but right now, I don't want to see any of you." Sidhart said weakly

"Especially you." Sidhart said to Meera.

"Sid, list-"
"I said what I said. Please leave me alone like you guys have always done."

Everyone was annoyed with his stupid attitude. They didn't understand what was the thing that they did wrong. Except Yuvraj

After a while, when Meera went in to treat him. {Meera had asked Anika to take care of him}

"I said i didn't want to see you." Sidhart said

"So get the fuck out."
"How the hell are you talking to me? Who do you think I am?"

"You are no one to me. Just a fucking stranger, who's invading my privacy."

Meera's heart stung a little,

"I'm here as your doctor."
"I want to change my doctor then."
"Sid- you can't do this."
"Sid? It's Mr Sidhart for you."
"The fuck is wrong with you?"

"I know it is very exhausting to take care of me. So just stay away from me. I don't want you in my life and as far as I know you don't too. So why are you making things hard for me now?"

"What the heck is wrong with you? You came to me, i didn't."

"I know, but you told me you don't want me. So just stay away from me and I'll make sure we never cross paths again after I get treated."

"S- I will not compromise your health because of our personal matters."

"I said i want another doctor."
"Sidhart- Talk to me. We can talk it through."

"Talk? What were you thinking when I told you about my dead sister? You didn't say 'Lets talk it through.' then. So now why? What is it that has changed in the past few hours?"

"Don't. Just send another doctor in, I'll go away and we'll never meet."

Meera had tears in her eyes but left.
She didn't want this to happen.
He tried to kill himself.
Because of her.

"Mumma, he said he doesn't want me back..." Meera cried in Sudha's arms

"It's fine, shh! You don't need him."

Sudha and Yashraj still unknown with why their son did what he did to Meera.

"You guys need to stop this. You still blame that man? Ugh. Meera di, why don't you tell them the whole thing?" Yuvraj said and went in Sidhart's room

"Bhai- I am sorry. I gave you extreme mental pressure. And I just want to let you know, that now, even if there's no one on your side, I will be there. Please forgive me." Yuvraj said and hugged Sidhart

"It's okay."
"Bhai, don't go back there..."

Sidhart felt the same things he felt when his sister died. He felt going back in the same position.

The situation was different but the feeling wasn't.

"It.Is.Not.Your.Fault." Yuvraj kept making him understand every day. Trying to bring him back from that place.

"Do Viv and Adi know?" Sidhart asked ignoring what he just said

"Nope. I'll let them know right now."


"You guys need to come over. He's going back to the dark place." Yuvraj told Vivan and Aditya everything

"Fine, we'll come. Do you want us to bring Dhwani?"

"I don't think she'd wanna come, everyone is blaming Bhai. So let it be."


This is it for today. Hope y'all enjoyed reading.

No hate comments for Sidhart.
He's always been the perfect guy and now his mind is fucked up so he's doing some Imperfect things.
Plus I want Meera to grovel a little this time.
I know she did nothing to grovel for but it's just my way of story devlopment.

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Love Daphne 🫶🏻

The Wanted Replacement (NOT EDITED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon