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Enjoy reading y'all!

"Finally it's over!" Max said lying on the huge sofa in the living room of the beach house

The youngsters had decided to stay here, for the last 3-4 days of Meera and Sidhart's trip.

Nick and Elena's wedding was postponed for a month or two, so Sid and Meera thought,they shall go back after 3-4 days as Meera has to take care of her hospital too

"It was annoying to be very honest y'all!" James said

"Well yes it was, but what was your reason?" Elena asks

"The clingy girls-" Sidhart says and is interrupted by Nick, "They were not ready to let go of us like bro what the fuck?"

"I know right, it was so annoying seeing them clung to Sidhart" Meera says it then notices all the eyes on her she blushed a little and added "and everyone else too"

"Well the engagement ceromany was cute though!!" Meera said diverting the topic

They all laughed and decided to watch some movie

"We're watching La-La land"
"Nope, it's Suicide squad"
"Who the fuck watches suicide squad with their finance's;?"

"I do"
"You both shut up, we're watching Brooklyn 99,"
"What no, it's a series not a movie!"
"Yeah we can watch Reply 1988"
"20th century girl is greatt!!"
"Shutup everyone..."

They all keep disagreeing with each other's choices and then ended up watching Scooby Doo 🤡🙏🏻

The night passed by all of them putting mattresses on the floor, lying on them while watching Scooby Doo and having Pizza,Popcorn, Icecream, soft-drinks etc

Meera had slept on Sidhart's shoulder after the 2nd movie finished and they all moved onto the 3rd

Every now and then Sidhart kept glancing at Meera in-between the movie


The next day, they all went to the beach to enjoy.

Meera was wearing a beautiful red two piece with a cute short shrug to protect herself from the sun.

Meera's outfit~

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Meera's outfit~


They all were playing volleyball, girls in one teams and boys in the other.

"Meeru, pass!" Elena said

The girls were winning with Two points

Welp the boys could've won, but all they did was glance at their girls...

"Yayyy!!" Meera jumped joyfully, while Sidhart kept glancing at her.

They girls were jumping in joy and then they went to bring some food.

Meera and Sidhart walked towards a shore, their hand in hand. Meera's head on his shoulder

The height gap seeming so cute 🫢

"What happened darling? You're so quiet?" Sidhart asked her making her smile hard

"Nothing, just don't wanna make you feel bad for losing." Hehhe she laughed and he cutely glared at her

"Well, Madam. I am the one who loves you more na... That's why I lost..."

"How?" She interrupted
"I was looking at you the whole time na, and you didn't even spare me a small glance..."
"Arey but that's your fault na, why are you so mesmerized?"
"Your existence is the reason..." He says and kisses her passionately

Their trip comes to an end, they'll come back after 2 months or so now...


This is it, I know it's short but I don't really have any motivation to write. I feel like deleting this story sometimes, but it's in the Watty awards right now so-:

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Love Daphne 🫶🏻

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