Chapter 13

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Once you were in Lexa's quarters, she motioned for you to sit across from her.  You didn’t really know what to expect, but certainly not the words that she said.

“I must thank you,” she said, breaking the silence, “I must say I am impressed, no one has ever beaten me in single combat.”

You nodded, unsure of what to say in return.  “Why did you do it?” she asked when you remained quiet.

You inhaled deeply, “Nia is my Queen, that is why I know her cruel nature and what she would do to this world if she were in control of it.” You continued, “you are loyal and kind and care for the people.  If I killed you and handed Nia the throne, all of that would go away.”

Lexa nodded as she contemplated your words, “I thank you for your confidence.”  Lexa thought for a moment, “I am sorry that you were banished from your clan, though I suppose you were always too good to be a part of it.”

You shrugged, “I don’t regret my actions, but Azgeda was my home.”  The full weight of being without a place or people now sunk in, “now I am no one.”

Lexa shook her head, “then be someone here,” she said with a smile.  “I can always use more warriors in my army, Polis could be your new home.”

You looked up at her and caught a glimpse of excitement in her eyes.  “I would hardly know how to survive here, heda,” you replied, “my experience is in much colder weather.”

“Learn,” she responded, “and it’s not like you have a choice, if you step foot in Azgeda again, Nia will hunt you.”

You thought for a moment, “and Roan?”

Lexa smiled knowingly, “he is welcome to remain as well, granted he swear his loyalty to the throne.”

You nodded, “I will see how it goes here, but I make no promises of staying.”

Lexa nodded, satisfied with your answer, “excellent, then you will no longer be Andra con Azgeda.”  She thought for a moment, “you will be known as Andra, the Ice Warrior.”

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