A Date?

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Kirstie's POV: 

We all managed to go to our shared hotel room and unpacked stuffs needed. I opened my suitcase and take out a piece of black jumpsuit and a white-flower necklace and changed up because I'm going to tour Berlin with Mitch yea. 

Mitch's POV: 

I waited for Kirstie in the hotel lobby while checking my watch. She must be here in one minute. I have planned everything for today. Like first, we're going to Berlin Zoological Garden,  and have dinner nearby. I snapped out of my thoughts revealing a very stunning Kirstin Taylor. 

"Hey Kirstin! You look beautiful." I hugged her then she smiled at me 

"You too Mitchie." 

"So shall we go now?"

"Yea of course. Uhm, where to?" she asked. 

"Well since we don't have a car, we're going to take the MRT and first, we're going to Berlin Zoological Garden. It's famous here." 

Kirstie's POV: 

"YES! I've always love zoos and animals." I screamed while jumping up and down cheerfully. 

"Okay calm down princess now let's go." he said then take my hand and lead the way. How I miss this so much. 

As we arrived in the zoo, he bought the entrance ticket for the both of us as we entered the zoo. We visited lions, tigers,  birds, snakes and all of that creatures first before entering the sea aquarium. I don't really like being in a sea aquarium because it's kinda dark and scary. Especially when we saw the sharks aquarium it's making me uncomfortable. 

"Hey princess, what's wrong? Are you scared of sharks?" he asked assuming if I was okay

"Yea, can we get out of this place immediately?" 

"Sure, here hold my hand and don't be scared."

 He's such a sweet guy, and I hope he's not gay. Well yes he is dating Laura but it's not that he have feelings for her, it's just that Mitch date her to get over Travis. How I hope, he's still mine. 

Mitch's POV: 

I lead Kirstie outside the sea aquarium because I can tell that's she's scared of that. 

"Hey Kirstie, why is your face still like that? We're outside already." I asked in a confused state

"Yea, sorry. I'm just thinking about something." she answered

"Okay, are you hungry?" I asked her 


"How about taco bells?" 


Then we both headed to taco bell. We prefer walking because it's nearby. I got her the food and give it to her and sat across the table. 

Kirstie's POV: 

"Mitch, can we go to the nearest park and get some ice cream?" 

"Yes sure that would be great!" We walk again to the park hand in hand. 

He take me to the ice cream truck and ordered me my favourite mint- choc chip ice cream flavour and we find the nearest park bench to sleep. 

"Here you go, princess!" he handed my my ice cream. I eat it and next, ice cream is all over my lips. So licked it as Mitch watch me do that. 

"Here, let me help you." Mitch said, as he wipe my lips with a tissue

"Thanks Mitchie." 

I smiled. And then one question pops out in my head.

"Uhm, Mitch can I ask you something?" 

"Yes sure princess."

"Do you have feelings for Laura? Or is she just your sweet escape from Travis?" 

Mitch's POV: 

I don't know the answer to that question really. I never love Laura but neither I dated her to get over Travis. Actually it's to get over Kirstin. I mean yes I still have feelings for her, but I'm too scared to admit it. I'm too scared of hurting Laura's feelings, Kirstie's feelings, how people would react and I'm scared if Kirstie doesn't feel the same way and it will just ruined our friendship. 

"Are you done? Let's go back to the hotel. I think I'm tired." I said 

"Uhm, but.. Yes okay fine." She said. 

Well, sooner or later I need to tell her that I still have feelings for her. 

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