A Great Day

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Kirstie's POV:

I walked home smiling like crazy. I mean first day of school and I already have two awesome new friends and I have show them my talent plus I kinda have a crush on Mitch. What would be more happier than that on a first day of High School.

"Hi sweetie! How's your first day of school?"

"Great Mom! i've met new friends and they're awesome."

"Well good for you. I cook some cream soup for you. It's in the kitchen"

"Thank you mommy! Love ya. I'm going upstairs first to change"

Then I headed to my room and dumped my books and school stuff. I take a quick shower and clean my face. Then I put on a comfortable unicorn onesie because it's quite cold in here. I went to check my phone for a while before heading down stairs and there's a message from Mitchie.

Mitch: Hey Kirstin sweetie, what are you up to?

Kirstin: Hey Mitchie, I'm just going to feed up myself before doing homework

Mitch: We don't have homework you silly!

Kirstin: Yeah well, I gotta go. See you later. Bye :)

Mitch: Bye Kirstin <3

I smiled as I read his last text. You know it's kinda cute every time he called me Kirstin because he's the only person that I let to call me Kirstin. I went downstairs and take my soup and sit beside my younger sister Kathleen on the dining room.

"Hey sis, why are you smiling like crazy?" Kathleen said

"Ugh, you're just 10 you know nothing girl"

"Yea whatever. Later on can you help me with my algebra homework? Please, it's killing me." She said

"Sure sis."

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