Episode 11

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First, I inserted the game card in my 3DS. Then, I turned my console on. Next, I tapped the icon on the menu. Finally, I am transported on Sesame Island.

So, once Dopey and Weirdo made up, I saw a heart over Merida's apartment. I forgot I made a chapter about Virus and Merida as a couple. I don't know if I deleted it or not, but they are a couple.

Merida: I've got a lot on my mind...
(I tapped on the scribble icon)
Merida: I want to propose to Virus. Should I?
(I tapped Go For It! even though I will regret it)
Merida: where should I propose?
(I tapped train station because yea)
Merida: Should I change my outfit?
(I tapped you're good)
Merida: I'm really nervous about popping the question at the right time...would you mind helping me out? Let me know when Virus is thinking about me!
(I tapped no problem!)
Merida: okay it's time. I'm going to propose!

(At the train station)

Merida: I had a great time today!
Virus: me too!
(I got the first one)
Merida: it feels weird to just go home now...
Virus: yea, I know what you mean!
(Got the second one)
Merida: I wish this day would never end. But maybe it doesn't have to...
Virus: hee hee! But we have to go home sometime!
(Got the third one)
Merida: I guess it's now or never...you see I have something important to ask you.
Virus: sounds serious! What's up?
(I got this!!)
Merida: My darling...will you marry me?
(Awkward silence)
Virus: YES! Wow! I thought you'd never ask!
(Yea boiiiiii)
Virus: everything went great! Thank you so much! Please take this as a token of thanks.
(I got a kaleidoscope. Quite the frickin wedding present)
Virus: we're so excited for our wedding!

(I'll make a picture of who was at the wedding)

Side note: I made a fandom based off of my book

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Side note: I made a fandom based off of my book. I'll put a link in a post.

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