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Romani Jamaica, Montego Bay📍

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Jamaica, Montego Bay📍

Nahmere and I were going to meet up with his mom at her house and I was so excited to finally meet the woman who raised Nahmere to be the gentleman he is .

"Are you feeling nervous?" Nahmere asked as he held my hand

"Kinda,I mean I don't know,I'm excited to meet your mother but I'm also afraid to meet your mother too"  I sighed as I leaned on his shoulder

"She'll love you,they all will I mean they already do " Nahmere smiled at me and kissed my forehead making me smile

"Alright" I smiled as I pecked him twice on the lips

I stared out the window as I enjoyed the scenery in front of me , but one thing was  going on in my mind and that was if Me and Nahmere would last forever.

After 45 minutes we had finally arrived at the gates of a 5 story Mansion and I was already in love with how it looked from the outside.

"Welcome to my parents lush palace" Nahmere mimicked my voice making me punch him in the arm

"Owwww,bae come on,it sounded funny" Nahmere laughed

"I don't sound like that Nahmere,stop playing with me" I pouted as I got out the car

"You do,when you're trying to show our to your followers" Nahmere laughed

"Nahmere stop before I punch you" I huffed as he walked to my side and held my hand as we walked to the main entrance and the door swang open revealing Nahmere's mom.

"Welcome home mi son" his mom smiled as she hugged him

"Thank you mama" Nahmere said with a thick Jamaican accent

"And you must be the gyal mi son be telling me about, Romani welcome to your home" Nahmere's mom smiled as she gave me a big hug

"Thank you ma'am" I smiled

"Don't call me ma'am,I'm not that old,call me Maria" his mom laughed

"Come in , feel comfortable cause this is your home" Nahmere's mom smiled widely as we walked to the lounge where the rest of the family was

"Is that My son" Nahmere's dad smiled as he stood up to hug Nahmere and damn his dad was tall,no wonder Nahmere is tall as well.

"Wassup big man" Nahmere smiled at his Dad

"Is this who I think it is?" His dad smiled

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