Something isn't right- Tobi

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I wake the next morning feeling drained and groggy. Today is the day I start chemo I made you breakfast Tobi says with a tray in hand. He sets it on the table by the bed. Pancakes, juice, bacon and toast he says sitting down beside me. Okay thank you baby I say wiping away the tears from my eyes. I look at the food for a moment before my stomach growls loudly making both of us laugh. I take a bite of my pancakes and it's so good. These taste amazing I say. They were cooked by me of course they do he says. It's all happening so fast I say. We're gonna get through this he says. What do we tell our family, our friends. Oh no you have a sidemen shoot today you have to go I say. No I'm not going he says. Tobi you have to the boys depend on you and the fans, you have to go I say. I turn away from him so he doesn't see the tears in my eyes. I feel guilty I'm taking him away from what he loves. Toby shakes his head. I'm staying here, he says rubbing my back. We are gonna get through this together he says. Now come on we have cancer to beat he says. I smile a little sadly at him before getting ready and then head to the hospital. At first I don't feel anything when the drugs are injected into my veins. But after a while the harshness begins to kick in and I find myself wishing I never went. The doctors say the effects will wear off over the next few days and that I should expect to feel tired and weak. They also said they want to keep me here overnight to see how my body reacts to it. I start to feel nervous as they put an Iv in my arm. Just try to relax I'll be back to check on you in an hour the nurse says. Okay I say. Tobi's phone chimes as texts come in than calls. It's ghe lads probably wondering where I am he says. Answer it I say.  He looks at me contemplating it. Go ahead. Answer it I say more firmly. Hello? he says into the phone. Where r u?! Sorry I should have told you I'm not gonna be able to make it to shoot today he says. I feel so terrible I'm the reason he can't come. Ya an emergency came up he says. I um I don't know if I'm gonna be back for a while he says. No he can't do that Bye he says ending the call. You can't just not go to shoots I say. It'll be fine don't worry he says. But your fans I say. You are more important to me right now, the fans, the videos, the lads will all have to wait he says. He grabs my hand and squeezes me tightly before kissing my forehead. You are gonna get better, I promise he says squeezing me again. I smile at him. How did I get so lucky. The drugs starts to kick in and I start to get nauseous. I'm gonna be sick I mumble. He grabs the bed pan holding it out for me as I throw up. I groan and curl up in a ball covering my mouth with the bed sheet. Everything is okay baby just rest for a bit he says stroking my hair gently. ​

When I wake up I feel like I got hit by a bus. how do you feel a nurse asks as Tobi starts to wake up. Tired I say. My entire body aches I add. I know it sucks but that means the chemo is working she says. At least you're gonna get better she says smiling sympathetically at me. The doctor will be in shortly to examine them hopefully you can go for now she says. After a few minutes the doctor comes in. It's gonna be a long a long road to recovery. This is just one of many chemo therapy treatments you will have to have. It's only gets harder from here she says. The side effects could be pretty intense so please prepare yourself mentally and physically for that. Don't push yourself too hard either, you need time to heal and recuperate. I heard that it makes you loose a lot of weight is that true I ask? Yes unfortunately you will lose a lot of weight during the treatment. Well you seem to be responding well to the treatment so you should be okay to go home she says. You will have to come in every week for treatment she says. Thank you so much Tobi says. I'll go get your discharge papers she says. When she comes back Tobi signs the papers as a nurse helps me into a wheel chair. I feel really week and it was just one treatment I have many more to go. Tobi helps me into the car and we head home. You know I love you right he asks breaking the silence. I knwo you do I say as he pulls into the garage. I still think you should do the shoot today. I thought about it, but there's no way I could leave you. I would just be constantly worried about you he says. I don't wanna leave you he says placing a soft kiss on my cheek. The other guys can do the shoot without me he says. Fine I guess you can stay here if you want I say. I don't think you have much of a choice he says. I laugh. He comes over helping me out of the car. And helps me inside, bringing me to the couch. As soon as he sets me down he disappears into the kitchen grabbing something to eat for us both. As he brings me my meal I thank him. We sit eating quietly watching some television before the day slips away. I start to feel drowsy as my eyes close. I give him a gentle nudge. "Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up" he says stroking my cheek. Goodnight he says softly kissing my forehead. "Goodnight Tobi" I whisper closing my eyes drifting off to sleep. ​

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