Joining Her

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I looked around, realizing I was on my room's floor. Confused, I stood up and checked myself in the mirror.

Jonathan: Well, I'm looking alright. What happened?

As I stumbled around, I noticed the note with a peculiar object. Curiosity led me to grab a hanger, undo it, and cautiously poke the object. It released a gas that seemed to have knocked me out. Quickly, I covered the note with a towel, picked it up, and threw it away.

Jonathan: Why did she give me this?

A knock at the door made me freeze. Peering through the peephole, I saw Serafine leaning against her door with a smirk on her face. Nervously, I opened the door, but Serafine was gone.

Jonathan: What the?

I looked down the hallway and spotted her tail disappearing around the corner. Determined, I followed. Though she was ahead, I tried to catch up, eventually reaching the basement where a speakeasy was in full swing. I navigated through the crowd, finding her at the bar. Hiding among the people, I sidled up to her when she briefly looked away.

Serafine: Ah, you caught me.

Jonathan: Yeah. Why'd you lead me here?

She chuckled.

Serafine: It was a test. I saw the way you looked at me. Wanting to take me as yours. Pathetic.

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut.

Jonathan: Wha-

She stood up and walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Bartender: Let me guess. Whiskey?

Jonathan: Sure.

I sat at the bar as the bartender gave me a shot of whiskey. The whole night I was doing shots until I was passed out drunk. I woke up, and upon standing, I noticed the same note on the floor again. Hesitant, I walked over and examined it, baffled by its reappearance.

Jonathan: How in the world?

Recalling the gas-releasing object, I stomped on the note, relieved to see just a puddle of green. As I sighed, contemplating the strange occurrence, a knock at the door made me freeze. Peering through the peephole, I saw Serafine leaning against her door with a smirk. Nervously, I opened the door, but Serafine had vanished.

Jonathan: Wait a minute... I did this before.

I quickly changed into better clothes, donned a fedora to hide my face, and took a different path to find Serafine. Going around, I spotted her waiting for me to see her tail. Smirking, I confidently walked up to her.

Jonathan: Can't fool me.

I whispered with a smirk on my face. She looked surprised and shocked.

Serafine: How did you?

Jonathan: Doesn't matter. Now you wanted to talk to me about something?

I could see her blushing, and I was shocked, but I didn't show it.

Serafine: Well, cher. It's just that... Well, I. No, I mean.

She was stammering over her words, and I slyly smiled before giving her a kiss on her cheek.

Jonathan: Your reactions say enough.

She looked surprised and blushed more.

Jonathan: I know how you-

She interrupted me by kissing me on the lips. I was shocked but started to kiss her back. Breaking the kiss, I smirked.

Jonathan: I love you, Serafine.

She smirked and took my hand, leading me to my room. She shut the door, locking it behind her.

(The End)

JD: Holy crap it's done.

Jonathan: You left me on a cliffhanger you-

JD: I'll work on the Cliff Grimes story next. Thanks for reading this and take care.


Jonathan Lumbert: Another Lackadaisy Oc StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz