Joining The Gang

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As Uncle Asa explained the workings of the hotel, I found it difficult to maintain eye contact with him for long, aware of Mordecai's gaze upon me. The sensation of being watched made me uneasy, as I had always been uncomfortable when people stared at me. It left me wondering whether Mordecai's gaze stemmed from remorse for his prior actions or perhaps fear of potential consequences for his actions. The situation remained fraught with tension.

Asa: So, how's your mother?

Jonathan: I don't know. She moved to New York when I was 12. Did she not tell you?

Asa: No. That's a shame.

While we discussed my mother, the door behind us opened, and the twins walked into the room. I didn't pay them much attention as they approached Asa's desk.

Asa: Ah, the ones who gave my nephew a good whooping.

Jonathan: Really, Uncle?

I glanced over at the twins, who briefly looked at me before turning their attention back to Asa.

Nico: Boss.

While they engaged with Asa, I became aware of the girl standing next to my chair. In the better lighting, I took in her features. She was undeniably beautiful, with her white fur and black hair giving her an alluring quality that caught my eye. When she looked at me, I quickly averted my gaze, my thoughts racing.

Jonathan(thinking): 'Oh my god, do I like her? No, she held a gun to my back. But she is beautiful. What am I saying? She won't like me.'

As I observed the girl looking at Asa rather than at me, I breathed a sigh of relief. The twins left, and I turned my attention back to Asa, who was smoking a cigar and facing away from me. Deciding to make my exit, I stood up and headed toward the door.

Asa: Don't get yourself hurt again.

I glanced back at him.

Jonathan: I won't.

Asa: Also, take a room key; you're staying here.

I smiled and grabbed a random key before stepping out into the hallway. I checked the number on the key and began searching for my room. Locating it, I inserted the key into the lock. Just as I did, a chicken dashed past me, scurrying into the room across from mine before the door closed, leaving me both perplexed and intrigued.

Jonathan: Weird.

I entered my room, finding it spacious and comfortable. As I settled on the couch, attempting to relax, I couldn't help but hear animal sounds emanating from the room across the hallway. In an effort to drown out the noise, I picked up the guitar left in the room and started playing, but the sounds from next door continued to intrude. Frustration mounting, I suddenly decided to take action, exited my room, and knocked on their door. The door swung open, revealing the girl once more, and I realized I had forgotten the reason I had walked over in the first place.

Serafine: What do you want?

Jonathan: Uh...nothing.

She swiftly slammed the door in my face, leaving me feeling perplexed. As I returned to my room, my thoughts raced.

Jonathan (thinking): 'Why did I stop? What was I feeling? Was that... love? It can't be. No, it was just something else.'

I tried to put the recent events out of my mind as I lay on the bed, seeking solace in slumber. Turning to face the wall, I drifted off to sleep.

In my dream, I found myself alone in a forest, my path illuminated only by a white figure ahead of me. The silhouette suggested a female presence. As I moved closer, I felt a sudden pull, yanking me away from the figure. The jolt brought me back to consciousness, leaving me with a lingering sense of unease.

I dressed and made my way to the lobby, spotting Mordecai getting coffee. Deciding to grab some for myself, I greeted him.

Jonathan: Good morning.

He responded with silence, his gaze sweeping up and down my form. It felt as if he were scrutinizing me for some reason. As I heard someone approaching from behind, I turned to see the large man.

Jonathan: Morning.

He, too, ignored me, simply grabbing a cup of coffee and finding a seat.

Jonathan: Okay.

Resigned, I headed back upstairs, stopping at my door. Just as I did, I heard the door behind me open, and I turned to find Serafine standing there.

Jonathan Oh, H-hi.

Feeling an unusual warmth in my cheeks and a sense of unease, I quickly turned and retreated into my room, hoping Serafine hadn't noticed my reaction. My heart raced as I entered the bathroom and confronted my reflection in the mirror.

Jonathan: Why is this happening to me?

My contemplation was interrupted by a knock on my door. I rushed to open it and found Asa standing there.

Asa: May I come in?

I allowed Asa to enter my room, and he gestured to a chair, indicating that he wanted me to sit, so I complied.

Asa: So, why find me and not your mother?

Jonathan: Well, she did say when she left that she didn't want to see me or Dad again, so I thought you were my best option.

Asa nodded and walked to the window, motioning for me to join him. I did so, standing next to him as we looked out.

Asa: So, need a job, nephew?

I turned to him, raising an eyebrow.

Jonathan: Of course I do.

Asa left the room with a smile, leaving me in a state of confusion. I waited for a few moments, uncertain about what would happen next. Eventually, he returned, holding folded clothes and a flower of some kind.

Asa: Welcome to Marigold, kiddo.

His words left me intrigued and filled with a sense of anticipation for the new path my life was about to take.

(Chapter End)

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