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Hello! It's me, monkeyman2020! (Username is monkeyman2022 because someone already took that username, you can use either one.) Here are some things you should know about Riley:

-Ran away from home around a week before the whole Calamity Box thing. He still has a bit of money from allowance and hasn't been roughed up too bad from the whole "not having a home" thing. This is because I don't really want to write/draw his parents as of right now. Also, it's cool story potential. He also has family related trauma! (Doesn't really "believe" or trust regular family dynamics, dislikes getting too close to people because of the inevitable arguments and the like, etcetera.)

-Goes to the same school as Anne and the trio and the like. Lives — well, lived — around a town or two away from Anne. Now he primarily hangs out under bridges a couple miles away from Anne's town.

-Friends(?) with Anne. Anne believes the two are friends due to their somewhat extensive knowledge of each other, but Riley believes they're just strong acquaintances because they don't talk too much. Either way, the two don't dislike one another. They care about each other to an extent, and can healthily tolerate the other's presence for prolonged periods of time.

-Not friends with Sasha or Marcy, although they are aware of each other's existence. Sasha just knows him as "that guy Anne hangs with sometimes", but him and Marcy have had a couple of conversations (albeit awkward), and view each other positively enough.

-He has a heart of... silver? He's a bit selfish but not to an overbearing degree. But if he cares about someone, he cares. Like, extremely deeply. Otherwise, to most, he's just nice. Nice enough, anyway.

This is what he looks like!

This is what he looks like!

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Pretty great, huh?

Well, that's all for now. There's definitely going to be some more interludes. Also I probably should've done this for my Owl House story considering how many stories I put forewords for, but whatever. Onto the story!

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