𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

Începe de la început

She grabbed his wrist, trying to wrench it off of her face. She struggled for a few moments before going idle once more 'You're a sick, twisted person' she spat, glaring daggers up at him.

A humorous glint flashed through his eye as a blood curdling smile spread across his face. 'Ah~ how amusing. I've seen more formidable foes in a toddlers tantrum'

He released the hold on her face, turning around and walked away nonchalantly, leaving her shocked figure alone. The peaceful silence was eerie and uncomfortable after the emotion filled fight. She took a step backwards, still quivering from the intense encounter with her now ex-boyfriend. A loud crunch could be heard from under the sole of her shoe and she looked down to see the broken pendant necklace in pieces.

She kneeled down, scooping up the pendant and looking at the picture inside. The picture was of her and her ex, both in casual attire, sitting on a pier sharing a kiss. Small, glassy tears slid down her nose, splashing slightly when it collided with the little glass that remained on the broken necklace.

She turned it over gently, running her fingertip over the engraved gold backing. It was engraved: ' You stole my heart.. But i'll let you keep it '

'You liar'

~ One year later time skip brought to you by Kirishima's hair gel ~

She honestly didn't know how or why but she had somehow made it into the world renowned hero school, UA Academy. And not only did she make it into the school, she managed to qualify for class 1-A, the class with the highest scoring quirk users (and the weirdest quirk users).

She entered the train station with a knot in her stomach. 'Why am I so nervous,' she thought to herself. 'I wasn't this anxious when I did tryouts!'. She walked up to the ticket kiosk, quickly making her purchase before practically sprinting to the train gate. As she arrived she looked upwards hastily, setting her gaze on the clock. '5:13.. Guess I got here a little too premature..' she thought, plodding over to the nearest bench to wait for her 6:20 train.

She fiddled with her fingers restlessly, going through battle scenarios in her head as she waited for what felt like centuries. 'Who is going to be in my class? Will I do okay in the quirk analysis? What if I mess up so bad they expel me on the spot?!' The longer she sat the more her brain nagged her with unnecessary anxieties. 'Are you alright?'. She had gotten so in her head she didn't even notice the green-haired boy that had taken a seat next to her. Her head shot up accompanied by a tense chuckle. 'Yeah-hah.. I just have something important to get to this morning' She tried to dismiss her odd behavior, hoping he wouldn't pry for any more answers. Much to her dismay, he continued. 'Oh, what is it? If you don't mind me asking' 'Heh.. he's prying' she thought exasperatedly. She let out a soft sigh, turning her body slightly to face him. 'Look.. don't freak out or anything but..' she paused, looking right and left for anyone who may be eavesdropping, 'I got into UA academy' she whispered the last part, cupping one hand around the side of her mouth.

He paused, with a blank look on his face, he looked almost like a computer that was having a hard time downloading a file. 'Did I break him?' she thought, tilting her head slightly. 'Uhm, are you-' 'NO WAY! I GOT INTO UA TOO!' He interrupted her suddenly, shouting excitedly. 'Shhhh! Someone will hear you!' she begged him to quiet down as the pair received several dirty looks from bystanders. 'Oh right, sorry! I'm Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you!' He said, practically about to combust. 

'I'm-' ' Amaya Kodama, right? I saw you in the tryouts! You have that amazing air based support quirk.. You're going to have to tell me the details about it later' Izuku promptly interrupted her, taking a notebook out of his backpack. It was labeled 'Hero notebook for the future' in messy handwriting.

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