1.3 The Mighty and The Men

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An Asgardian prince who wields the a scepter that is powered by the Tesseract, a glowing cube of energy from outer space. Not an irregular Tuesday morning for the cyborg but odd enough to make her stand outside the cell they kept him in with her eyes trained on the man inside.

He's tall, lean with ebony hair and an unflattering sense of style. Her eyes glowed balls of sensors and facial recognition software worked in learning his face, habits and origin from many mythical journals with extensive studies in Roman Gods. Along with the fact that she took into account his body rates and current brain waves.

"What do you want with us, Loki?" She asks.

He steps forward for a moment and tilts his head in confusion, "Who are you? How are you doing that?"

"I'm Agent Bubblegum. I think that you're purpose is being fulfilled but I'm not sure how," she steps up to the glass, "I would like for you tell me."

"What should I tell you anything?"

"Why not?"

There's a tick in his jaw he looks at her with an analytical gaze. His eyes running up and down her frame but Abigail isn't moved. She's monitoring his brain waves, conducting an assessment of his body and conjuring statistics based on in put feedback responses. He was a like experiment to her.

"Now, listen here you strange woman I don't answer to person's that come and try to mock me! You think that because you have me in this cell I'm not winning? That I don't—"

"You're very hostile. Why is that?"

"Stop interrupting me!" he booms as he slams his hand on the walls of the cell. "You, I don't know you but when I get out I'm going make sure that you remember the feeling of my hands wrapped around your neck squeezing the life out of you."

Abigail steps closer, "Calm down, I only want to keep all of this information in my brain so that when, in the event you do escape I can already have a signature of you stored in my system."

"Who do you think you are?" He seethes. "In am Loki of—"

"Shhh," she shushes. Her eyes finished running their scans on his body, "You cannot escape me Loki. I am everywhere."

A significant whirr of all the equipment pulses through the room as if all the devices come alive. He looks more puzzled than when she first entered and calls back for her as she makes her way out of the room. Abigail doesn't turn back but she got all that she wanted. If she could transfer the neurotransmitters in his Brian then she would be able to conduct a thorough synopsis on how the sceptre may have been activated through his own powers. Maybe even understand the powers that he poses.

She reenters the deck over the control center and comes face to face with a large, blonde haired man in similar garments to Loki. Her eyes make an analysis of his face before determining the identity to be Thor Odinson. Loki's brother.

"Who's this?" The man asks.

Steve turns in his chair to look at the woman who still wore her black fitted dress and smiled slightly. "Great of you to join us. Did you find joy in upsetting the prisoner?"

"No, but when he's upset his body responds more to my system," she approaches Thor. "It's great to meet you Thor. I'm Abigail or better known as Agent Bubblegum."


"Fury says it's because I'm sticky," she answers.

"That raises more questions than I had before," Steve says but he takes his eyes off Abigail to focus them on Thor, "What's his play?"

Agent BubblegumWhere stories live. Discover now