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Abigail Stark stood with her hands out at her sides. The breeze whipped through her hair and her baby blue dress making her feel as though she was on the top of the world from the small rock she stood on overlooking the river. It was late summer and soon she would have to return to school and the things of her daily life, yet instead of being with her mother to prepare, she instead was out in the woods looking at the flow of the river over the rocks and down to the lake.

Her father, Howard, sent her away just a bit earlier after she broke what he called an 'important invention' while riding her bike around the house. Her mother was out with her brother, Anthony, buying new school supplies and since she was fooling around all summer it was a punishment to stay at home, unless she didn't cause anymore disruption. Still she found her self out by the rocks listening to the silence of the woods away from her father who said some very mean things while lecturing her on the importance of a young girl being quaint and quiet.

She stormed off with her bike until she was at the edge of being lost and knowing her way back. The river was the landmark for houses that live on this side of the town. It was something she would miss when they finally moved to the Big City in New York. So far from home and out of reach for her tiny hands to grasp that she can't even fathom the move. It's partially why she's been acting out all summer, this would be her last school year at her school.

Not that she had friends. She would love to get away from the people that tormented her on a daily. Yet it was still hard to process the entirety of it.

"Look, is Sneezy Stark, the ugly version of her brother."

"What do you think the little freak is out here doing?"

"I don't know, being freaky. Let's go guys, we have to meet up with mama."

"Wait, let's see what's she's up to first."

Abigail turned around at the sound of Jessica and her posey of Hannah and Silvia who spent their times in primary school bullying her because of her rosey cheeks and chubby build. The name Sneezy came from her allergies that spiked up in the Spring and made her sneeze all day in school and disrupt the class. The freak aspect came from the fact that she was obsessed with robots.

They kept bothering her during the school year and found a way to bleed that into her everyday life outside of it as well. It would be the very last thing that she missed when they inevitably went away.

"What do you want, Jessica?" she asks while harshly wipe at the tears that cover her rosy cheeks.

"We just wanted to know what you were doing out here," she responds while stepping up closer to the rock.

"Nothing, now go away," Abigail insists but the girl only takes this as a challenge and steps up closer.

Jessica coos mockingly, "But you look, lonely out here by yourself."

"I'm not so go away. I don't want you guys around."

"You hear that guys?" Jessica climbs up onto the rock and stands before the other little girl, "She doesn't want us around.  You see, we're not going to. Not after what you did with Mr. Melvin that got me in trouble." 

Abigail couldn't believe that the girl was bringing this up now. She found Jessica poisoning the fish tank that Marco the class fish was in. He was found dead the next morning and her love for the little creature drove Abigail to tell on the culprit.

"You deserved it. You killed Marco," Abigail says.

"She's right," Hannah speak up. "Can we get going now?"

"Shut up Han. You know that her telling is the reason why we almost didn't get to hang out today," Silvia states.

"But Sil—"

"Just shut up, Han," Jessica says from the the rock. She turns back to Abigail and tilts her head to the side. "You're going to pay for what you did. It's not cute to tell on others the way you did. Especially with no evidence."

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean that you can't just point fingers especially at me. Daddy, got really mad and I don't like that."

"That's not my problem!"

"Well it is now!" Jessica screams as she steps closer to her. "And I'm not going to let you go without revenge."

"What are you gonna do? Kill me like you did to Marco?"


"Jessica, this isn't right we should go," Hannah says from the bottom, "Mama is waiting and you're only going to get in more trouble."

"No, I won't because you guys won't say anything right!"

Silvia nods but it's obvious that Hannah wanted to speak against it. Jessica was the richest and most influential. Sometimes it felt like a mental battle to say no to her and not even the pleading eyes that Abigail gives could help you win the battle if better judgement.

"Good," Jessica says. "I hope that you are happy with the decisions that you've made."

"Yeah and Marco was a far better fish that you are human."

"Whatever you say, freak."

Then with the force of an adult Jessica pushes Abigail off the rock and into the river. For the poor, little rosy cheeks girl it felt like slow motion as she descended through the air while gazing up at her abuser for the most of her primary school years. It was a sigh to behold the smirk that was on her lips as she looked at the girl hit the running water the same as one would hit cement then sink below the surface.

The water was striking cold for it being late summer, and moved faster than it looked outside. It took her down stream slamming her nine year old body against rocks as it pulled her like with a strength only her father ever used on her.

Her eyes close.

Cold. Alone. Doomed.

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