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I woke up in this odd looking place. After I was supposed to pick up Elena and take her home. Damon had called me and told me he wanted me to take her home to keep her safe and look where I am. They probably don't even know I am missing had it not been for the fact that their little princess Elena was here too. The place also looked odd and ugly looking, it was clearly nobody had been here for years 

Some man started to untie Elena while I acted like I was still knocked out. A lady walked into the room 

"What do you want with me?" Elena asked and I rolled my eyes

"I am here too" I said annoyed. She is always thinking about herself like I am not in the same room as you. I was kidnapped because of you, bitch 

"My God, you look just like her" The lady said amazed

"Oh my god. This is about Katherine right. So this has nothing to do with me. Can I be on my away now?" I asked untying the ropes with my magic

They started to argue and Elena wouldn't shut up so she got bitch slapped love to see it 

"Damn girl, you have to teach me that and by the way lovely accent" I said kindly 

"Thank you, a lot less threatening then your family and you are a lot nicer too" The lady said

"Thank you, although my mother is a deadbeat and my father is a workaholic" I explained

"Oh that's not your family, those are your relatives" The lady explained and I looked at her confused 

"What are you on about?" I asked confused 

"Your Uncle is coming here to get you, he said he would explain everything" The lady said before walking away

I sat down in a chair as I waited for Elena to wake up as she got up

"Elena, don't. You are going to get caught" I said as she walked over to where the lady and man were talking 

She didn't listen to me and still walked over there so I followed her and got the last two words

"Who's Elijah?" Elena asked

"Your worst nightmare" The lady said before walking away

• • •

Damon POV

I was looking for Bonnie and I could not find her anywhere, Stefan had told me that Elena was missing and I had been looking for Bonnie since I had told her to go home with Elena 

"Stefan, have you seen Bonnie?" I asked

"I don't know where she is. I've been looking for her too" Stefan said 

"Damn it, I shouldn't have told her to go with Elena" I said annoyed 

"Damon, how are we supposed to find Elena now" Stefan said only thinking about Elena like Bonnie had not gone missing with her 

"I don't care that Elena is gone. That's not my girlfriend so it's not my problem I need to find Bonnie, she could be in danger" I explained 

"I thought you wanted to be with Elena" Stefan said confused 

"I don't okay and Katherine told me something, I should have listen to her" I said annoyed at myself 

"We have to find them" Stefan said 

"I know that and I know how we are going to find them" I said 

"And how are you going to do that" Stefan said 

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