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HERE IT IS. The final chapter :) I hope you enjoyed flame as much as we did writing it. 

Feel free to check out our other stories, both on here and Tumblr. we'd love to have you xoxo


"There y'are."

Ember squealed as she felt hands haul her backwards, melting into his broad chest as she was greeted with a smattering of kisses against her cheek. A squeaking noise left her lips as a tiny giggle erupted against her will, her messenger bag falling off of her shoulder, large hands settling against her soft stomach. The tip of his nose was cold but it gave her the shivers, nudging her warm skin. He must have been waiting outside the building for a bit for her class to end. He had said he would be waiting for her but she had been searching out his car- not his being.

"You scared the shit out of me." Ember huffed, trying to meld back into the grumpy version of her that had been left in bed earlier this morning. She committed to the bits she had, that was something she was dedicated to. "Rude. It's freezing out here, are you crazy?"

The temperatures had started their unfortunate yearly drop a bit earlier this year, but Harry didn't see much of a problem with it now that he had someone to snuggle with in the early mornings. When she hadn't woken up yet and snored softly, wheezy noises came from her peaceful body and her body soaked in every bit of his 'furnace like' body heat she had complained about when the weather had been warmer. She would curl further into him these days, sticking her cold feet in between his legs and hiding herself under the covers and letting his head peek out to 'watch for danger' while she hid in his chest. He had never known how much the little things really did add up.

"Crazy for you, my love." He cooed, meaning every word of it. He also knew it would get the little gag from her, pretending she hated his mushy, gushy words and how much of a complete and utter sap he was. He would pretend he believed the act. "C'mon, you love it." he let her turn in his arms, his grin wide on his face. Ember could see his flushed cheeks and pink nose from standing out in the cold instead of the warmth of his car to pick her up and she felt that little burst of fondness move through her tummy up to her chest. Leaning up, she graced him with a chaste peck to his lips. "I love you. Not your gross mushy stuff. And m'still annoyed with you."

She wasn't. She was milking it and they both knew that, but as Harry usually did, he went along with her little faux tantrum.

"I had to leave for class this morning, dove." His exhaled was soft, the warm breath against her lips making her nose crinkle before pulling back and folding her hand with his. "You're the one who's been telling me how important it is for me to go."

"Since when have you listened to me?" She scoffed. "You could have blown it off and spent the morning with me. It was so cold. I was all alone when I woke up again." Ember pouted just a little bit and he couldn't help but smile, shaking his head as he tugged on their joined fingers to lead her towards his car. "Like the damn arctic. Your big, hairy, manly furnace body had taken all the heat. For what? For class you don't even like?"

"Well, first of all, it's quite literally your fault it's freezing. You insist on the bloody fan being on all night long and leaving the window open a crack because you 'fall asleep better cold and warmed by me' so... you can't blame me for that. However, the second thing? It's not like I wanted to. I had to. I've been slacking off ever since you've moved in." He joked, nudging her arm with his own. It was his own doing, really, and he knew it. He needed to be better about it but he often slacked off of classes because it was a lot more appealing to soak in the syrupy kisses and soft, dreamy whispers she could give him. Ember freshly woken up - in the right way- was the softest he could get her without being the one to fuck it out of her.

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