57. Interrogation

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Aaron didn't really know why he'd stayed with Steve, it had been a rash decision on his part. He was panicked, he didn't want something to happen to his older brother.

Aaron knew he couldn't stop whatever would be done to the three who had gotten caught, but for some reason, at least if he was there with his brother when whatever happened, it seemed to put his mind at slight ease knowing that if the worst happened to Steve for knocking the guard out just like he thought it would, at least he'd be there with him.

Aaron knew he and Robin wouldn't be hurt as bad as Steve would be, but the thought of something so extreme happening to his brother made him nauseous.

He knew Kimmy, Dustin and Erica would be safe in the air duct's and that they could get help, but he also knew that if he had told Kimmy that he wasn't going with them, she wouldn't have let him.

She would have stayed with him. And he would not let it happen, he wouldn't let the girl get so badly hurt because of his decisions.

However, Aaron's half baked plan wasn't going how he'd planned it to. The three had been split up and taken to separate rooms.

Aaron was forced down into a seat against the wall, his hands tied behind his back as two soldiers looked down at him with sneers.

Aaron stayed silent, looking up at the two soldiers fearfully as he bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from blurting something. He was determined to stay silent until he was spoken to.

"Who do you work for?" One of the soldiers spat down at him in a thick Russian accent, the man's voice strangely calm.

The blond took a shaky breath, looking between the two soldiers warily before speaking in a hesitant voice. "I don't work for anyone-"

He was cut off when one of the two men in front of him punched him hard in the jaw, snapping Aaron's face side ways.

Aaron squeezed his dark green eyes shut, trying to recollect himself from the harsh blow that had been sent his way.

He had never been hit like that in his life. He'd never been hit so hard that it still tingled with pain after the damage had been done, or that he felt blood pooling in his mouth after the first hit.

Despite the pain, Aaron was determined to try and not show just how badly the soldier had hurt him. Instead he spat out the blood that was filling his mouth and turned to face him.

"We will ask once more." The soldier was much angrier the second time asking, leaning in Aaron's face slightly to try intimidate him. "Who do you work for."

The man who had spoken was the same as before, the one who had his hands clasped behind his back and stood straight, it was the one next to him who had hit the blond.

"I don't work for anyone, I swear!" Aaron insisted, well aware of the man stood to his right waiting for the nod to hit him once again. "I don't work for-"

Once again, Aaron was cut off. The man hitting him hard in the face again, only this time not his jaw but his cheekbone.

It went on like that for a while, Aaron insisting he didn't know anything and getting harsh blows to his face in return.

Eventually, Aaron had a dark purple bruise growing on both his left cheekbone and the right side of his jaw. His nose gushing with blood from how much hits to the middle of the face he'd received and there was blood splattered all over his face due to his burst lip as well as the fact that the amount of hits to the side of his face mixed with the amount of hits to his stomach caused his mouth to fill up with blood.

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