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Shadows was getting ready to go to dinner with Shotaro when someone knocked on the door. Shadows opened it to find Anton outside.
"Hey! Is something wrong?" Shadows asked.
"I...I miss Z," Anton said sadly.
"I think maybe you guys just weren't meant to be. She doesn't seem to love you-"
"Yes she does! She does love me!"
"Anton you're in denial."
"No I'm not! I know she loves me more than Seunghan," Anton replied.
"Are you sure?"
"Okay well I have to go to dinner so maybe you can find Z and talk to her then."
"Alright. I have to get her back."
"You will, don't worry. And if you don't then it wasn't meant to be."
Anton nodded sadly and walked out.

Shadows walked downstairs to the restaurant that was in the lobby. She found Shotaro sitting at a table waiting for her.
"Hi love," Shadows said.
"Hi..." Shotaro replied nervously.
Meanwhile, Wonbin was hiding in a bush signaling to Shotaro to propose.
Shotaro nervously drank some water and then sat up.
"Ummm Shadows...I need to tell you something..."
"Of course love. What is it?"
Wonbin nodded and gave him a thumbs up.
"I love you and I know it's rushed but SM approved of us and I don't want them to change their minds so basically what I'm trying to ask is..."
Shotaro nervously took out the ring he bought.
"Will you marry me?"
Shadows's eyes widened. "You're really asking me?!"
Shotaro nodded nervously.
Shadows smiled. "YES!"
Shotaro put the ring on her finger and they both hugged and kissed each other as everyone cheered. A few fans saw them and took pictures but everyone was happy for them. Wonbin stepped out of the bush and walked over to them.
"Congrats guys!" He said.
"Thanks! Now we'll have to plan our wedding once the tour is over," Shotaro replied.
"We're not in a hurry though. We can start planning after the tour," Shadows said.
Shotaro nodded.
"I'll go tell the rest of the group the news. I'll be right back," Wonbin said. And with that, he walked away.
Just then, the waiter came over with their dinner and Shadows and Shotaro happily ate dinner together. They even ordered a chocolate cake to celebrate their engagement.

"Z!" Anton shouted.
Z turned and looked at him. "Hm?"
"Look I'm sorry for fighting with you but I miss you and I want us to get back together," Anton said.
"You are really cute..." Z thought about it.
"Please Z? I really love you," Anton said.
"Hmm...no. I love Seunghan and that's it."
Anton became angry. "You were mine first and you should only love me."
"You're too annoying. I don't love you," Z replied.
"You'll regret that when I kill your Seunghan."
Z's eyes widened. "You would never!"
"Oh I would. I would kill for you my pretty girl," Anton said creepily.
Z nervously ran away...but Anton chased after her.

Eyes On You (A RIIZE Romance/Thriller Story)Where stories live. Discover now