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"What do you want from me?" Shadows asked.
"I want you to tell your manager that you quit and I want you to never come back here," Anton said coldly.
"Not happening," Shadows replied.
"Fine then I'll post the picture," Anton said. Shadows quickly grabbed his phone and threw it on the ground. She shattered the screen and threw the phone out the window.
"Now what are you going to do?" Shadows asked.
"Oh don't worry, our plan will still work."
"Me and Z. We hate you," Anton said.
"I knew she was trouble. In the meantime, I'll get going," Shadows said. Anton chased after her but Shadows quickly ran down the stairs to the rest of the guys. Sungchan saw what was happening and held up a frying pan.
"Anton don't come any closer or I will slap you with this," Sungchan said.
"Fine but I'm not coming back here then," Anton replied. And with that, he ran out the door.
"I'm not getting him again," Seunghan said.
"Me neither," Eunseok said.
"I think we should just give him some space for now," Sohee said.
"Wait, where's Shotaro?" Shadows asked.
"Uhh I think he's upstairs," Sungchan replied.

Shadows walked upstairs to find Shotaro in his room crying.
"What's wrong baby?" Shadows asked.
"Nothing. I'm fine," Shotaro replied sadly.
"Are you sure?"
Shotaro shook his head and started sobbing.
"Awww honey don't cry. You're going to be okay," Shadows said as she hugged him.
"Where were you earlier?" Shotaro asked.
"Anton was causing all kinds of problems so I tried to stop him but then he....never mind. The point is, Anton is gone probably to find Z and we need to stop him before he ruins the group's image," Shadows explained.
"I knew Z was evil," Shotaro replied.
Shadows hugged him and kissed his forehead.
"I love you," Shadows said.
"I love you too," Shotaro replied.
"No I really mean it," Shadows said.
"I do too," Shotaro replied.
Shadows's eyes widened and Shotaro leaned forward and kissed her. Shadows smiled and kissed him back. They both pulled apart after a few seconds and hugged each other.
"Wait...what if someone finds out about us?" Shotaro asked.
"With Anton on the loose, someone definitely will...someone being him of course. But I think it could work if we kept our relationship secret," Shadows replied.
"...okay. We just have to be careful," Shotaro said.
"I love you," Shadows said.
"I love you more," Shotaro replied. Shadows pulled him closer and hugged him.
"I wish we could stay like this but we probably should go," Shotaro said sadly.
"Yeah...we can be together tonight though," Shadows said.
They both got up and walked downstairs.
"Okay guys, let's go find Anton," Shotaro said.
"Ughhhhh," everyone replied.
"I know, I know. But we have to," Shotaro said.
They all reluctantly stood up and walked outside.
"I think I know where he might be..." Shotaro said. And with that, he walked to the nearest restaurant.

And sure enough, Anton was there...sitting with Z.

Eyes On You (A RIIZE Romance/Thriller Story)Where stories live. Discover now