Chapter 12

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Le soir
Fallon's POV

Sam - Did you sign your release paper?

Fallon - Yes.

Sam - Then we can go. Kirby takes the bag, I'll help Fallon sit in the wheelchair.

Fallon - No, no wheelchair.

Kirby - Fallon you can't walk it's still too early.

Fallon - I'm fine, I can walk.

Kirby - You've had 2 surgeries, I really think it's a bad idea

Fallon - I'm fine!

Kirby - Okay, okay. She said in defeat

Sam helped me up, I leaned lightly on him, then we headed out of the hospital.

Sam - Are you okay?

Fallon - Yes.

30 minutes later.

We had finally arrived at the property.

Kirby went to grab my bag from the trunk and Sam helped me get up.

We entered the mansion, where I saw Liam chatting with Amanda on the couch, hearing the front door open they turned to us and Liam stood up straight after seeing me. I didn't pay attention and headed towards the stairs. Before going up the first step, I felt a pain in my lower abdomen, so I stopped and let out a groan of pain.

Sam - What's going on?

Fallon - Wait 2 seconds.

I broke away from him and sat down on the stairs.

Fallon - I'm... just a little sore. I said with difficulty.

Kirby - We told you to get a wheelchair at the hospital, you strained too hard trying to walk.

Liam - Are you okay?

Sam - She didn't listen to us when we told her to get a wheelchair, so now she can't stand up because of the pain.

Fallon - It's okay, I'm fine.

I tried to get up but immediately sat back down.

Fallon - Aah no, that's not okay.

Kirby - How are you going to go up? There is no bedroom downstairs.

Liam - I will carry you.

Fallon - What? No, I am capable of going up alone.

Liam - Obviously not.

He moves closer to me and places one arm under my legs and another around my waist before picking me up and starting to walk up the stairs. I clung to him lightly.

Once in my room, he placed me on my bed and pulled the blanket over my body.

Fallon - Thank you.

Liam - You're welcome. You need something ?

Fallon - For the moment no.

He sits next to me and looks into my eyes for a few seconds before he starts speaking.

Liam - I believe you.

Fallon - What?

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