one shot

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Yo, Author here.

This might be a one-shot. I don't plan on making this a long story since I'm not confident with my writing skills. And out of idea what to add.

I have a lot of ideas in mind but hard to describe it to words. That's the problem, and the fact that I'm lazy.

Well, let's continue to the stories.

And also, cringe alert. Keep in mind that this is my old work.


"Ughhh, I Hate Morning So Much."
I get up and start to wash my face and brush my teeth, like a normal person would.

"This week is so stressful that I feel like dying.... *Sigh* Whatever, let's just get ready and go to work."

I get ready wearing my favorite black hoodie, a black jeans and my white sneakers.
I got out of my apartment and lock the door of course. Who in their right mind wouldn't.

"Ahhh~ The street is so quiet and peaceful when it's morning. I like the atmosphere."

After walking for a while, I finally arrived at "Line Cafe".

I decide to greet some workers there. "Hello."
They greet me back as I make my way to the counter to order.

"The usual, Y/N?" The waiter ask me.

"Yes please. How's your day, Ryota?"

"I'm good!" The waiter known as Ryota reply.

"I'll bring your order to your table later." Ryota said.

"Thanks." I reply.

For your information, I'm a regular here. Why? Because I usually do my work here. My job you ask? I'm a songwriter. Sometimes I write for myself. I can sing. I think? Though I'm not confident with it. Whatever.

I go to my usual spot and take my laptop out to do my work, of course. "There's not much work to do since I'm a freelancer. So yea, I'm grateful if there's a client."

Hours passed and as you can see/read?, I'm struggling with my client!! Like what the heck!? He asked me to write a sad song, so I did! But right now he said that "it's too sad! Make it more happier!" And I did rewrite it and he's still complaining! WHY DON'T YOU TRY TO WRITE IT YOUR OWN YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTA- Sorry there.
(I know, cringe af but bear with me.. I'm suffering from editing this too.)

"Bastard. Be more specific can't you?" I complain to myself.

While I was throwing a tantrum, I see a figure coming at my direction. It was Ryota (The waiter)

"Am I being too loud? Or should I scream on top of my lung?" I asked.

"Wha- what?"

"No, don't mind the last part." I said. "So..? What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing, I'm just checking on you. You look stressed these days." Ryota said.

"Ah.. it's about my employer. He's giving me a headache."

"That's really a problem there. Keep it up, it's your job after all." Ryota said.

"Yeah I suppose."

*Ring* (The bell from the entrance)

"Oh, look at that. A customer. Better get his order. See ya later then." Ryota said and I just nod at him.

"F*ck it, I'm done. Why did I decide to be a songwriter to be honest." I throw a little tantrum while packing my things up.

meeting ex-girlfriend!? (One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now