"So we're walking towards a nuclear weapon." Steve remarked, rolling his eyes while speaking. "That's great."

"But if they're building something." Robin continued, completely ignoring Steve's words. "I mean, Hawkins. Seriously? Of all places? At the very best we're a toilet stop on your way to Disneyland."

Dustin dragged Kimmy back by the arm as she tried to keep walking, the girl having not realised that Dustin, Steve and Aaron had stopped walking.

"Do you think the Russian's know about all the Eleven stuff?" Steve asked the three in front of him fearfully.

Kimmy's eyes widened at his words, only now catching on to the reason Dustin had pulled her back. She hadn't even registered that maybe the reason this was all going on in Hawkins could maybe be because of the lab as well as the gate. Maybe it was all tied together.

"They could." Dustin replied in a whisper, placing a hand to his face due to his abrupt stress.

"What, are you saying it's all connected?" Aaron asked his brother quietly, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his shorts as he bit the inside of his cheek in thought.

"Maybe." Steve answered his younger brother in a slightly worried voice.

"How though?" Kimmy asked with a confused look on her face, trying not to let herself panic over a simple theory with no proof to it.

"I don't know," Steve muttered, scratching his jaw in thought as he spoke. "But it's possible."

"I'm sorry, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" Robin asked in a snarky voice, the abruptness of her question causing Kimmy to flinch as she turned to face her.

The group of four shared worried glances, unsure if they really should say what they were talking about or if it was a bad idea.

Luckily, the four didn't have a chance to talk over their response because the sound of static hissing caught everyone's attention.

Steve ran over to Erica, pulling the three fourteen year olds behind him. Erica caught on to what Steve wanted her to do, crouching to the floor as she took off her backpack, taking out the walkie as everyone crouched down next to her.

Erica handed the walkie to Robin who was crouched next to her. The older girl holding it up to her ear to try hear what was being said.

There was a man talking in Russian, that much was obvious. However after listening for a moment longer, Kimmy soon realised it was exactly the same as the recording Dustin, Kimmy and Aaron had heard over his new radio. The same saying that they'd spent forever trying to decode - the one that Aaron had actually managed to decode while the other four were out 'spying'.

"A trip to China sounds nice." Robin spoke along with the man speaking in Russian. "If you tread lightly. It's the code. And wherever this is coming from-"

"It's somewhere close." Kimmy nodded at the older girl, the brunette allowing herself to feel the slightest feeling of relief.

"And if there's one thing we know about that signal..." Robin trailed off, a grin pulling on her lips as she spoke. "It can reach the surface."

Kimmy smiled at the girl, happy that at least the group hadn't been walking aimlessly down the long corridor for no reason.

"Let's go." Robin told the group, a toothy smile of relief on her lips as she stood and began walking away.

Everyone quickly copied the girl, running after her, moving swiftly. The group moving with much more energy as they had priorly, knowing they at least had something they were walking towards.

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