I'm not glad to see you -Hyun Su

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Y/n pov:
I haven't seen hyun su since the military "saved" us. I wonder how he was doing. He had broke our promise he said he would protect me and you never leave my side. Where are you now Hyun su I need you please. I hope you're still alive after all this time. Lately I've been saved 2 times by a someone but I can't see them clearly.
I left the solider that followed me behind, I want to look for Hyun su and I don't want anyone getting in my way. I walked in the dark streets that was only illuminated by the moonlight. I tightly held a steel pipe in my right hand in case I get attacked by something dangerous knowing 95% I was going to encounter a monster they just seem to kept following me for some reason. I walk cautiously until I see blood trails on the floor I knew someone was there. I walk nonchalantly towards it as I heard a monster groaning. I look around to look for the cause of the noise and decide to walk into the abandoned broken down greenhouse. I walk towards it squinting my eyes just then I heard the noise louder behind me so I turn around and see the big hole in the pavement of a street. I head towards it getting my guard up as well as the steel pipe I'll use to defend myself.

Little did Y/n know she was being watched. Her every move being watched.

I made my way towards the monster my breath hitching as I got closer. I left the pipe ready to hit it when sudden a voice spoke from behind me "he won't attack you" I turn to look. It was the same girl from before she stepped out of the greenhouse I had almost entered. I lowered my hands and spoke "I'm looking for Hyun su.. you know where he is right.." she continued walking towards me "mom. the people. They're all bad" I look at her confused. "Mom?" She walked even closer "you're no different" she pushed me into the hole. I gasp as I held I'm falling back in the large hole. I screamed as I fell in the large sink hole after o just froze evening every memory flash before my eyes. I'll die without seeing Hyun su again I close my eyes waiting for my body to make contact with whatever is down there as I just let my faith be. I felt an arm wrap around me and go back up. As he made it to the up we landed roughly using his body as we slided on the concrete. I looked at him feeling the familiar feeling of his arms around me and his hand by my waist. He pushed me off him and and got up with his monsterized arm walking away. I try getting up to follow him "Hyun su"
He didn't turn back so I shouted this time "CHA HYUN SU!" He finally turned and I could see his face again. The same face I was inlove with his hair slightly longer. You could hear the pain in my voice "are you really just gonna leave like that?" He finally opened his mouth but just to break my heart. "Were you expecting a hug or something?" "I was" I said almost instantly. "Is this how you treat your girlfriend after several months without
seeing her?!" I said upset "I was expecting at least a "glad to see you" how have you been?" " but he replied coldly "but I'm not glad to see you" my frown was more visible now. "Was it you all this time. Protecting me all those times  wasn't it" but he responded "we cross paths and that's it. I figured since we're not strangers, I should help you. Nothing more. You understand?" He started walking away again but i followed and he swung his wing i froze after a moment I started walking again and he swung it again burning the toe cap hearing it sizzle. This isn't gonna stop me and he knows it. I was about to take another step. "Y/n stop being stubborn. You'll regret it" I responded "no" before I could step closer the old man from before Ho-sang pushed me out the way "you're trying to get yourself killed. Get lost" he pointed his shotgun at hyun su. Hyun walked away with the girl following him.

Timskip of 1 day
I was walking back to the stadium I made up my mind that I won't look for Hyun su and I made myself promise I won't put myself in danger knowing he doesn't care about me anymore. My thoughts were gone as I was flung by a spider like monster. It was picking on me as if I was an insect he was gonna devour. I tried my best defending myself with the katana sword the old man Ho- Sang gave me. I had cut 2 legs off but that wasn't enough to stop it from attacking me. Out of the blue hyun su appeared now fighting the monster from me using his wing to slice the monsters head clean off. Then turning his attention to me as he began walking towards me but I look away getting up to limp away. I could hear him sigh and his hand on mines "don't walk away..."

(Please vote.. sorry for not posting as much season 2 wasn't that motivating for me. No Eunhyuk :(. But thank you.)

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