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 I really appreciate all of your help and support on the writing of this book! I want y'all to know that a lot of this story is still in editing, but I do post as I finish the chapters. Because of this, you might notice the style changing or point of views being suddenly altered without warning. I apologize for that inconvenience because I understand if it's a little confusing, and I will try my best to make it make enough sense. 

 If there is anything that I understand will make no sense whatsoever, I will do my best to explain it in the introduction to the chapter. My hope is that I will publish a fully edited and solid edition to AO3, but until then, please accept my little draft posts. 

 I love and appreciate all of y'all's love and support on this book so far, and if it's not too much to ask, I hope that y'all will continue show support even if my posting is a little erratic at the moment. 

 Thank you again and I hope that you have the strength to make the best out of your days! I love every one of y'all, 


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