Ro: Part 1 (Keefe POV)

Start from the beginning

Keefe couldn't believe what had happened. Couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that his bold, brave, confident bodyguard was so badly broken--or that he wasn't being given permission to go see her.

Grady cleared his throat. "I'm so sorry, Keefe. Sophie. I know Ro was more than just a bodyguard to you."

That 'was' hit Keefe hard.

"Please don't use the past tense, not yet," he pleaded with Grady. "Ro is strong. She'll surprise us all and pull through. She has to."

"Hopefully you're right," Grady said, giving Keefe's shoulder a squeeze as he crouched down to get at eye level with him. "Is there anything Eda and I can do to help you through this right now?"

Keefe looked at Grady's hand on his shoulder, then back up at Grady. The physical contact enabled him to feel just how genuine Grady's care and concern was for him. And it nearly pushed Keefe over the edge as gratitude for Grady swelled up in his heart.

"Is this what having a supportive dad is like?" he asked in wonder, fighting a losing battle with the tears welling up in his eyes.

Edaline let out a small sob and moved over to give Keefe a big hug.

There was such motherly tenderness in her hug--and her emotions--that Keefe didn't even give it a thought. He sank into the hug and it felt like...well, like hugging a mom should feel. Like comfort. Like home. Almost like protection.

Especially when Grady joined in the hug, holding one arm out for Foster to join them.

Even in the midst of fear and worry and grief, Keefe couldn't help but think he'd never felt so loved in all his life.

After a moment, the hug broke apart. Keefe, unable to hide his tears, looked at Grady. "With your contacts in the Council, do you think you could ask the right people to reach out to King Dimitar and ask his permission for us to come? I am--sort of--a Mercadir, maybe he would be willing to cut through the stupidity and just let us come?"

Grady smiled warmly at him. "I'll see what I can do."

Keefe nodded, then looked at Foster. "I want to go to the Shores of Solace. Maybe gather up the few things she kept there. And...think through some memories."

"Of course," she said softly. "Can I come? Or do you want to go alone?"

Keefe couldn't stand the thought of going alone. Nothing meant more than having her by his side.

"Alone probably isn't good for me right now. Especially if dear old dad is around. Please, come. And I guess that means you're coming too, Gigantor?" he called out with a brave attempt at lightening the mood.

"I go where Sophie goes," Sandor agreed from the doorway.

So they leapt to the Shores of Solace.

And Keefe was immensely relieved to discover that his father wasn't home.

Sandor, of course, insisted on inspecting the house before letting them inside. After looking thoroughly inside and out, he stationed himself at the front door as they went inside.

Keefe was grateful that Sandor was staying there and giving them a little bit of space.

He really didn't want to keep crying in front of his girlfriend's bodyguard.

"Keefe," Foster whispered softly, tugging on his hand as they walked toward his old room. "Keefe, I'm sorry this is happening. I'm scared for her."

"Me too," he admitted, pulling her in for a tight hug. "But I'm glad you're here to bear it with me," he whispered in her ear before pulling away.

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