"Pierre?" I now notice that he's on his phone, seeming to be texting someone.

"Yeah, Yuki?" He tears his eyes away from the device in his hands.

"I kind of have a problem."


"Can I borrow some of your clothes, please? I don't have any." At this point, I can feel myself start to blush, not because I have to ask to wear his clothes, but the fact I'll be wearing his clothes!

"Oh yeah, sure, anything you want to wear in particular?"

"Depends, what did you pack?"

"We'll come have a look." He gets up from the bed and walks over to his closet, motioning for me to follow him.

I do so but can't help but feel a bit vulnerable. As I step out of the bathroom completely and start to walk over, I could have sworn that for a second, I saw Pierre's eyes go wide.

"What size are you?"


"Well then, your choice is out of these."

I pick out gray sweatpants and a blue jumper. Not the most matching thing, but I couldn't be bothered right now.

"I also..." my voice becomes so quiet I'm not even sure Pierre heard me.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I also need to borrow a pair of underwear."

"Oh. Okay, sure, that's fine. Small?"

"Yeah." Opening the closet wider, he pulls out a suitcase I know is his.

He picks it up like it weighs nothing and throws it on the bed. Opening it, all that's in there now is just his underwear and a hat or two. He grabs a pair of underwear from the suitcase and hands it to me.

"Do you want to get dressed in here or the bathroom? Cause I still need to take a shower too."

"I'll get dressed out here, thanks," I smile back at him.

"Okay," with that, he goes to have his shower.

~Small time skip~

I was sitting on the bed waiting for Pierre to finish his shower so we could go to breakfast.

I always loved to see what Pierre wore. He would either dress like he was in Vogue, or do the complete opposite and dress in something comfy. I wasn't expecting what I did see him in.

As Pierre walked out of the bathroom, I looked up to see what he's wearing. Only to see a towel around his waist. His hair was still wet, along with his back and abs.

"Uh, sorry, forgot to get my clothes, haha."

I suddenly feel like I'm choking on air. As he walks over to his closet, I can't help but let my eyes look him up and down and admire his body.

After looking at what he should wear today, he grabs a button-up shirt and black dress pants. This must be one of the very few times where he's between his two styles. He walks over to where he left his suitcase on the bed. He lays his clothes next to it, takes out a pair of underwear and walks to the corner of the room.

To my surprise, facing away from me, he drops his towel and puts his underwear on. He then picks up his towel and throws it next to me on the bed. I couldn't help the starstruck expression on my face.

"Sorry, probably should have asked before I did that," he laughs.

"No, all good. I don't mind. Just didn't expect it," I return the laugh.

Love over-due ~Yukierre~Where stories live. Discover now