CHAPTER Thirteen

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After being warmed up in the shower, Mew left the room to settle some concerns in the lobby before their scheduled check-out tomorrow, while Gulf preferred to stay in the room and wait for his return. While waiting, the younger one went to the balcony that directs to the huge shared pool. The cool night breeze smoothly skimmed onto his skin as he slid the balcony door open. 

The young man settled himself on the sun lounger and watched the other guests in the pool. A trace of admiration was evident in his eyes as he drifted his gazes at the opposite side of the pool where a couple was having fun together with their two kids. 

Watching them made Gulf wonder if has his boyfriend ever thought about having kids, or has Mew ever regretted choosing him rather than having his own family. They've been together for almost eight years, and he admitted that those years didn't pass smoothly like in movies. Mew didn't fail to show his affection towards him. However, he just can't keep such thoughts from entering his mind.

Gulf was on the verge of drowning in his thoughts and worries when a knocking sound interrupted him. Gulf left the balcony to see who was behind the door.

"Good evening sir, are you Mr. Gulf?" said the young man who's wearing the hotel's staff uniform.

Although confused, Gulf responded with a polite nod. "Yes, how may I help you?" he asked.

"I was sent to notify you about the commotion caused by your companion, Mr. Mew." Gulf felt like he was splashed by cold water.

"W-hy--W-What happened." his voice was shaking as his chest was pumping in worry.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you until we reach the area, sir." replied the staff.

Without further ado, Gulf ran back inside to grab his phone before leaving the room. He anxiously followed the hotel staff as they made their way through the dimly lit corridors leading to the beach. His heart raced with worry, thoughts of Mew being in a fight occupying his mind. The staff member, clad in the hotel's uniform, maintained a stoic silence, adding to Gulf's unease.

Upon reaching the beach, Gulf expected to find a commotion or signs of a scuffle. To his surprise, the staff abruptly stopped near the water's edge and gestured towards the vast, quiet expanse of the beach. Confusion etched across Gulf's face as he looked around.

"Wait, where's Mew? What happened?" Gulf's voice trembled with concern, but the staff was no longer there to answer, leaving Gulf alone in the semi-darkness. The sound of gentle waves crashing against the shore was the only audible presence.

Panic set in as Gulf strained to see what lay ahead. Then suddenly, the stillness was broken by a soft, melodic guitar strumming. The notes danced in the quiet night, carrying an enchanting melody that echoed through the air. Gulf's confusion deepened as he strained his eyes to locate the source of the music.

(A/N: Play song at the media ^ *^)

Despite the challenge of the dimly lit surroundings, Gulf began to follow the sound. As Gulf began to step towards the enchanting sound of the guitar, small candle-like lights began to illuminate one by one along the path. The gentle flicker of each light created a magical ambiance, casting a warm glow on the sand and revealing a trail leading deeper into the dimly lit beach.

The soft illumination guided Gulf's way, unveiling a scene straight out of a dream. The candles seemed to dance in harmony with the melodic guitar, creating a mesmerizing symphony of light and sound. Each step Gulf took brought him closer not only to the source of the music but also to a captivating display of flickering flames.

The path of candles led him to a secluded spot where a makeshift stage had been set with blankets and cushions, surrounded by more softly glowing lights. And there in the center stood Mew, bathed in the warm glow, his fingers expertly strumming the guitar, weaving a musical tapestry that embraced the night.

"In case you didn't know...... Baby, I'm crazy 'bout you..." Mew sang, with eyes focused affectionately towards Gulf and lips beaming like a shining star.

" And I would be lyin' if I said that I could live this life without you..." He continued.

Gulf's initial worry transformed into awe as he took in the scene before him. The soft glow accentuated Mew's features, making him appear almost ethereal. The romantic ambiance of the candlelit beach, the soothing guitar melody, and the love in Mew's eyes created a moment that felt suspended in time. Everything got him in teary eyes.

Mew paused in his playing as Gulf approached, a smile playing on his lips. The candles flickered as if responding to the shared gaze between the two lovers. 

Without a word, Mew extended his hand towards Gulf, inviting him to join in the center of this impromptu stage. Gulf, still captivated by the surreal beauty of the moment, took Mew's hand. Together, they stood under the canopy of stars, surrounded by the soft glow of candles, sharing a melody that resonated with the rhythm of their hearts. The worries that had gripped Gulf's soul melted away in the warmth of this unexpected, candlelit serenade on the beach.

"Don't tell me you got me all worried because of this. " Gulf pouted. Mew chuckled sheepishly.

"Come on, I was concerned about you getting into trouble." His voice shook when tears finally welled up. Mew smiled and kissed the tears that fell. 

"I have something for you." With a tender smile, Mew reached into his pocket, his fingers carefully retrieving a small, elegantly wrapped box. The flickering candlelight mirrored the anticipation in Gulf's eyes as Mew held the box in his hands.

"Love... " Mew began. His voice was a gentle harmony with the lapping waves and the guitar's fading melody. 

"From the first time our paths crossed, my life has been painted in the vibrant hues of your laughter, and my heart has danced to the rhythm of your presence. In every note of this song, in every glimmer of these candles, I find the reflection of the love that has grown between us."

Gulf's heart swelled with emotion, the sincerity in Mew's words washing away any lingering confusion. The enchanting ambiance seemed to amplify the depth of their connection.

Mew continued, "You are my sunshine on the darkest days, and you turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. Today, beneath the stars and surrounded by the whispers of the ocean, I want to ask you a question." Gulf's eyes shimmered with a mixture of emotions, a silent acknowledgment of the profound moment unfolding.

Mew opened the box, revealing a delicate ring that gleamed softly in the candlelight. He took Gulf's hand, his gaze unwavering.

"Engraved herein, are my undying love and promise to stay with you for the rest of my life..."

"Gulf, will you continue this beautiful melody of life with me? Will you be the love that colors my every tomorrow?"

The air seemed to hold its breath as Gulf looked into Mew's eyes, the weight of the question lingering in the space between them. The distant sound of the ocean provided a backdrop to this pivotal moment, where time seemed suspended, and the universe itself awaited Gulf's response.

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