Chapter Four

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"Off to go, P'Olive," Gulf announced after fixing the mess on his table.

"Sure, get home safely, okay?" The lady responded and returned to the documents she had signed one hour ago.

"Yes, ma'am." Gulf smiled and strode outside the office, still bringing the unfinished papers.

Upon reaching the exit of the building, he immediately saw Mew's car parked in front of the building. Then he saw his smiling face appear as the tinted window rolled down.

Gulf circled the other side of the car and shut the door upon settling in. The other one quickly welcomes him with a kiss when Gulf sets himself on the seat.

"How's work, my love?" Mew asked. The younger one seemed not in the mood, but he managed to drift a smile into his lips and glanced at his boyfriend.

"It's exhausting, as usual. But it's fine." He replied. Mew kept his eyes on Gulf and could see it in his tired eyes.

"Don't worry, dinner's on me tonight." Mew grabbed his hands onto the younger one's hair and smiled.

"You can just have a short nap while we're on the way, okay?" He then gently stroked his hand onto his lover's hair. In simple words and gestures, Gulf raised the corners of his thin lips.

Mew pulled his hands on the steering wheel and stepped on the engine as he drove the car away from the building. Not too long when they finally reached the condo building and parked the car.

"Love, we're--" He paused when he saw the younger one resting soundly on the seat. Mew couldn't help but move closer toward Gulf and stared at his peaceful sleeping face. His hands moved and gently caressed Gulf's cheeks out of force of habit.

"It's been a long and tiring day, isn't it?" He murmured and smiled.

After that, the young man left the car and went to his boyfriend's side. Gulf didn't stir up even when Mew opened the door and unfastened his seatbelt. He then slowly moved his arms around Gulf and carefully scooped him out of the car. But as soon as he shut the door, Gulf woke up.

"Hey P', put me down." He ordered.

"I know you're tired, love. You can just sleep here in my arms while I carry you at our place." Mew suggested.

"P'Mew, yes I AM tired. But it doesn't mean I'm incapable of walking inside." Gulf insisted.


"Shh..." Gulf cut him off with his index finger on Mew's lips.

"Just put me down, or else someone might see us." Mew heaved out a sigh, claiming his defeat to his boyfriend. Instead, he just took Gulf's things from the car before they proceeded inside the building.

Upon reaching their unit, the younger one immediately threw his body on the sofa and stared at the blank ceiling. Meanwhile, Mew also put the papers on the couch and went straight to the fridge, pulling out the ingredients he would need for their dinner.

Mew didn't find the time to change his clothes and just rolled up the sleeves of his polo and set the apron into his body. He was washing the ingredients when he took a short glimpse at Gulf who was slumping on the sofa, all worn out.

A few minutes after he finished washing the ingredients, Mew began to slice them while waiting for the water to boil. While cutting the carrots into strips, warm slender arms slipped in between his arms and wrapped around his waist.

"Is there anything I can help?" Gulf's soft yet tired voice spoke up behind him. Mew drew a smile, put the knife on the board, and turned to face his boyfriend.

"Are you hungry already?" He asked, but the other one shook his head in response.

"I told you tonight's dinner is on me. Just continue your nap and I'll wake you up once the table is ready." Mew said.

"But I'm not sleepy anymore." The younger one replied. Mew just smiled and cupped Gulf's face between his palms.

"Then you'd better prepare yourself for dinner, okay?" The younger one politely nodded and walked towards the bathroom with the towel hanging on his shoulder. Smiling, Mew just watched him until he shut the bathroom door closed.

After dinner, the couple stayed in the bedroom. Mew was reading a book while Gulf got himself busy typing on his laptop. The tapping sound of the keyboard filled the entire room until one of them heaved out a deep sigh and put down the book on the bedside table.

For a couple of minutes, Mew stared at his boyfriend's image. He saw his deep-brown eyes focused only on the laptop's screen.

Eventually, Mew started to feel bored and slightly moved toward Gulf. He then smoothly swung his arms over Gulf's waist and took a quick audible sniff on his boyfriend's side.

"Aren't you done, yet? It's quite late." He uttered as he tightened his embrace.

"I still have to work on these papers so I could submit this immediately to our head," Gulf replied without paying any glance at the person clinging to him. He seemed to be concentrated on his work.

"But you're no longer at the office, you're body needs rest too." Mew continued as he fiddled his fingers on the hem of Gulf's clothes.

"Don't worry, I can handle it. You can just sleep ahead." The younger one replied,  yet, his eyes were still on the screen.

Mew sighed in utter dismay and moved to face the other side of the bed, turning his back to his boyfriend.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes have passed and yet, none of them went to sleep. Gulf is still focused on the screen, while Mew keeps his eyes on the plain ceiling, and can't even bring his eyes to shut. His ears were filled with tapping sounds.

Mew once again faced at Gulf and swung his arms around his waist, the younger one didn't budge. So Mew moved his fingers until they touched Gulf's smooth skin beneath his satin garment.

"Love, it's getting late." Mew again.

"I'll just finish this, P'Mew."


"Oi Phi, how am I supposed to finish this quickly if you keep on distracting me?" Mew was too stunned when Gulf surprisingly raised his tone. He suddenly felt guilty and slowly removed his arms around his lover's waist.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. I knew you'd been exhausted from work...I just want you to take some rest." Mew mumbled as he turned away from his lover and hid behind the blanket.

For a moment, Gulf stopped typing upon realizing his action earlier. He'd want to take back the words he said. 

What have I done? Gulf thought as he glanced at Mew.

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